Operations (Timetables, Admin, Finance & HR) Update

Updated 2022 Timetables
The 2022 Active Supervision timetable has been updated to accommodate the changes outlined in the new VGSA. Please access the revised timetable using the links below.
There have been no changes made to the PLT timetable at this time.
Professional Practice Day Timetable
Due to the limited availability of CRTs, rather than having our Professional Practice Days (PPD) occur during planning week, instead each teacher will be individually released for their PPD throughout this term. Please review the timetable below to view your allocated PPD.
Administration Update
Staff Absences
A reminder, If you are going to be absent from work including testing positive for COVID-19, please ensure you complete the Staff Absence Form on the portal and call the staff absence line (03 9366 4322; Option 2) by no later than 7:00 am on the morning you are going to be absent.
Your leave must be entered on eduPay within 5 business days and any medical/carer certificates or stat decs must be either uploaded to eduPay as a photo or .pdf file or handed to the general office.
Staff Lists
Please find below links to the following updated staff lists:
HR Update
Staff Personal Details on eduPay
It is vital that all staff ensure their personal details including mailing/contact details and emergency contacts are correct and up to date on eduPay.
These details flow into various systems and are used in emergency situations.
Can all staff please log in to eduPay and verify/update your personal details including emergency contacts.
Please use this quick reference guide to assist you in verifying/updating your personal detail in eduPay.
Should you still require assistance, please see Halina.
VIT & WWCC Cards: Upload to eduPay
All teachers and ES staff are required to keep their VIT (teachers) or Working With Children Check (ES staff) details up to date on eduPay. Failure to do this will result in you being unable to engage in work.
Once you have received your new VIT card for 2022/23 or WWCC, please use the below quick reference guides to update your VIT/WWCC details, ensuring a copy of the card is uploaded to eduPay.
VIT: https://edugate.eduweb.vic.gov.au/Services/HR/Documents/QRG-ESS-Record-VIT-WWCC.pdf
WWCC: https://edugate.eduweb.vic.gov.au/Services/HR/Documents/QRG-ESS-Record-VIT-WWCC.pdf
Please see Halina if you require further assistance.
Finance Update
Sub Program Budget / Purchase Orders Closure Date
To facilitate our end-of-year processes, the purchase order system will close at the end of Week 5 (4th of November 2022) for any new orders.
Please ensure you raise all your orders including any future curriculum/program or excursions/camps/end-of-year celebrations related orders prior to the 4th of November.
No purchase orders will be approved following the cut-off date.
Staff will have until the end of Week 10 (9th of December 2022) to purchase any goods/services that were raised with a purchase order. Please ensure all invoices are promptly either sent to accounts@jacksons.vic.edu.au or given to Anna for processing.
2022 SRP Cash Budget Reference Guide - Updated
We have updated the 2022 SRP Cash Budget Reference Guide to reflect the Year to Date (YTD) expenditure per subprogram and changes in our cash budget since the indicative release in December last year.
To view the 2022 SRP Cash Budget Reference Guide, please visit: 2022 Student Resource Pack Reference Guide.pdf
Procurement Policy
Just a reminder to all staff, to ensure compliance with DET's procurement policy, any purchases over the value of $2,500 requires a formal quote prior to raising a purchase order.
Purchase Orders over the value of $2,500 where a quote has not been uploaded will not be approved.
If you require any assistance, please see Anna.