We are very excited that the Echuca/Moama show is returning this year on November 5 and 6th. 

To get everyone excited, we are conducting a Competition for all primary schools in the region.

For children from Prep to Grade 2, there is a colouring in competition. Whilst for Grade 3 and above, there is a drawing competition where they can draw their own images of what they wish to see at the show.

Entries can be completed at home or at school. They will be picked up at the school on Wednesday 12th of October.

Prizes will be awarded of show passes, and winners will be displayed in local shops.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any queries.

We can be contacted on 0418837596 or email

Thanking you Marg and Rose Berryman


Prep - Grade 2 


Grades 3-6

Images are printed and available at the office if you would like to enter.