Leader of Pedagogy

The Many Benefits of Reading


Through the course of this term, there will be a focus on reading in the classrooms. Not only does this benefit student understanding of content, but also has many unknown benefits to student health and wellbeing.


Other than the educational benefits that this provides to students, in processing and understanding information in new ways, there are other advantages to engaging with sustained reading throughout the course of their education but also later in life. 

Physical and mental health is improved by being exposed to literature, as well as having a deeper understanding of oneself and others. It is these benefits that are often missed when considering the impact that reading can have on students. “Reading for pleasure involves general wellbeing - as students experience quiet contemplation - and increases academic engagement because they pursue their own areas of interest when reading”, as more studies delve into the depths of literacy and numeracy, reading itself is being reconsidered for the impact that it has not just academically, but also to provide students with social cues and an understanding of their own place in society. It is through this exposure that people can be encouraged to pursue adventurous ideals that they may not have considered as a career path beforehand. 



Ms Lauren Donnelly

Acting Leader of Pedagogy