Assistant Principal - Wellbeing 

- Happening Events

Mr Damian Roff 

Catholic Education has always acknowledged the holistic nature of learning including cognitive, physical, emotional, relational, mental and spiritual domains. Living Well Learning Well, the student support framework used by schools in the Armidale Diocese recognises an ecological model in regard to student learning. In other words, the domains mentioned; cognitive, emotional, spiritual and others are developed in multiple environments including but not confined to the home, school, sporting teams and friendship groups. For holistic well-being, it is important that these environments provide a positive climate. At schools including O'Connor, these positive environments exist mainly within the formal curriculum in classrooms but also in the context of co-curricular activities offered. 


Recently I had the pleasure of attending the Year 7 Camp at Lake Keepit, the incredible amount of learning around a number of domains was extraordinary. Under the guidance of skilled outdoor educators, our Year 7 undertook activities such as raft building, mountain biking, archery, kayaking and canoeing. Students were called upon to collaborate, problem solve, learn new skills, cope with difficulties and extend themselves physically. Recently our choralists have had to get out of their comfort zone in New England Sings and work with other schools to produce a performance-level concert. In the last week, our Year 9 and 10 students have benefitted spiritually in terms of empathy and purpose through retreats held at the Cathedral precinct led by young Lasallians. In upcoming weeks there is CCC Basketball and Berg Shield Cricket. In Week 6 a musical soiree is planned and there are weekly masses where students have the opportunity to perform music, serving and reading ministries. All these represent only a small percentage of opportunities to learn.

Unfortunately, there are some students who at times miss out on these opportunities. There are valid reasons for this including anxiety, illness, injury or family matters that need attending. Financial constraints can be overcome through a conversation with the front office. A modern malaise with society and particularly with schools is the concept of consensual absenteeism. That is parental permission not to attend certain school events for reasons of an unwillingness of their child to participate. For example, a parent may support their child's feeling of not wanting to attend a sporting carnival, charity event, camp, retreat or even a reporting evening. 


Much planning goes into these co-curricular events. They have learning intentions just as a normal lesson in class would. The learning may be in a domain other than academic but rest assured, in the spirit of the holistic nature of catholic education, the learning is just as important. So, next time your child expresses a desire to opt out, work through the great opportunities for learning that have been made readily and easily available, acknowledge it is a part of school life and encourage your child to actively engage in their own learning.


Mr Damian Roff

Assistant Principal - Wellbeing

Upcoming Events


DateEvent and Time
23 October 2022New England Sings 2.30pm Armidale Secondary College
1-4 November 2022Warramalaya - Juniors
4 November 2022Conclusion of HSC Exams
4 November 2022Year 12 Formal 5pm photos (OTC) 6pm start - (The Servies)