Message from Liz

Dear families and supporters


Our thoughts and prayers are with all families that have been impacted and displaced by the flooding event. We are concerned for you and your family and will support you in any way we can.


The Flood Recovery Plan for St Joseph's focuses on People, Learning and Property. Communication with our community will always have these as the focus. 


It has been said many times, but the community spirit we have experienced during the last two weeks is both overwhelming and humbling. We know that we are 'BETTER TOGETHER' and if our mindset stays focused on that, we will be able to support each other as we rebuild and reconnect.


Please read all information sent via email, newsletter or social media. 

While we will use social media to help pass on information, this will not be our primary method of communication. Emails and newsletters will contain timely information to support you and your child/children at St Joseph's.



Monday 31st October: No children learning, teacher working day

Tuesday 1st November: Melbourne Cup Day - Public Holiday

Wednesday 2nd November: Community Connection Day at Camp Kookaburra, Corop (A permission note will be sent home by Monday)

Thursday 3rd & Friday 4th November: Learning begins in Elmore and Junortoun

Friday 4th November: Mission Day at OLSH 


If you have not been able to access the Student Relief Assistance hotline, please let me know and I will register for you on Monday.

If you have any questions about learning at OLSH Elmore or CMC Junortoun, please email: . I will create a FAQ newsletter to be sent home by Tuesday afternoon.


Take care and stay in touch.
