Year3 Term4 Team overview

Year 3 Term 4 Curriculum Outline
Welcome back!
Welcome back to another term of incredible learning and self development at DCC to our existing families, and a big WELCOME to all our new families joining us this term! We have spent the beginning of the term re-establishing routines and expectations of a Grade 3 student. We continue to work really hard to develop strong relationships with each child and an understanding of your child and their learning needs, and are looking forward to seeing what each child can achieve throughout the term.
Term 4 Learning:
In Reading, students will be talking about new ways of thinking resulting from different cultures, places and times in history. Students will also have the opportunity to make connections to these texts and talk about how the images add meaning for the reader. Students will be assessed on their current comprehension skills across the term.
In Writing, the students will be continuing work with the 6+1 Writing Traits. Through a focus on procedures and poetry they will continue to develop their knowledge around finding a topic, crafting sentences with varying beginnings, using the perfect word in the perfect place, and using techniques that make their writing stand out, while consolidating their spelling, punctuation, grammar knowledge and handwriting skills.
In Numeracy, students will be focusing on working on their Multiplication skills and participating in a Number Sense Workshop. They will be consolidating these skills through a variety of fluency skills that focus on multiplicative thinking. Students will be revising their understanding of their knowledge of measurement (including time, mass and capacity). Location and transformation is another unit that students will continue to explore. During this unit they will identify different angles in everyday situations and describe slides and turns found in the natural environment.
This term our Social and Emotional learning will focus on expressing sympathy and empathy towards others. The students will also be exploring gender norms through literature and children’s media.
Without our Inquiry unit we are unpacking the driving question “How can we learn from natural processes, that include change of matter, to design sustainable solutions?” Students will be exploring the different states of matter including solids, liquids and gases. They will be taking part in a range of experiments to observe natural processes and how they impact matter.
General Reminders:
- It is now Term 4 and all students are required to bring a hat to school everyday. Otherwise students will need to play in a shaded area.
- Please ensure that your child is at school and ready to learn at 8:40am.
- Please ensure that you check and log into Compass regularly, as these will be the main portals that we (the teachers) will communicate information with you on. Compass is also the place where you will be able to access your child’s goals and achievements, these will be released every five weeks and will tell you what your child has achieved in Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Inquiry/Social, as well as their next steps (goals).
- To help support students with their reading, we recommend using platforms such as Wushka and EPIC to choose books to also read at home. You can also use other books that you might have at home or may have borrowed from a local library. These books can be recorded in your child’s reading journal to track reading. Your child's teacher will have a day in which all satchels need to be returned so they can view, record and provide feedback on their nightly reading.
- Students are also expected to be borrowing books from the library weekly during your child’s library sessions. Please ensure students bring their reading satchel and/or their library to allow them to borrow. The library will not be allowing students without these to borrow books.