2022-Term4 - PE Overview

Term Overviews
In term 4, our prep students will be introduced to the fundamental motor skills of catching, and the vertical jump.
Using various objects like tennis balls, bean bags, and other types of balls, students will learn and practice using catching techniques suited to the objects they are catching. Terms like “spider-web hands” and “teddy-bear arms” will be used to differentiate catching styles. Within each technique, students will learn to keep their eyes focussed on the object, move their hands to meet the ball, and to catch and control the ball with their hands only.
For vertical jumping, students will learn and practice small jumps initially, building to larger jumping activities with development of technique. Having eyes focussed upward or forward during the jump, crouching with knees bent, and straightening legs on take-off will support this development.
Further to that, preps will be introduced to our very first DCC swimming program. This is extremely exciting for our school as we get to promote the importance of water safety.
Year 1
Our grade 1 students are tremendously fortunate to have a representative from Cricket Victoria conduct a cricket clinic for the first four weeks of this term. They will experience a range of skills and activities targeting fielding, catching, throwing, and hitting. Coupled with an emphasis on teamwork and collaboration, students will gain a valuable insight into striking and fielding games. For the remainder of the term, we will be utilising these skills and applying them in other striking and fielding games.
Year 5
During this term, our year five students will be mastering the skills of the overhand throw, and the two-hand side-arm strike. These skills will be applied in various striking and fielding sports like baseball, t-ball, softball, and cricket.
Becoming proficient at throwing side-on to a target, keeping eyes focussed throughout the throw, and following through with the throwing arm are some skills needed for the overhand throw.
Students will be aiming to master the two-hand side-arm strike by maintaining focus throughout the strike, stepping toward the target to strike, and following through with the bat.