Environmental Council

Environmental Council Visits Tamworth Council Nursery
Recently, members from the Environmental council were invited to visit the Tamworth Council’s Nursery. Members braved the wet weather to see how the nursery runs and see current projects. Those that visited were able to get their hands dirty as they assisted in the potting of seedlings as well as the separation of seeds from the seed husks.
The trip was a great success, with this being the first steps in building a closer relationship with Landcare and the Tamworth Regional Council, with the Environmental Council. In the future, members of the Environmental will be assisting with seed collection and we will be inviting members of Landcare to come and visits our nursery in the hope of providing new ideas into projects we are currently working on.
A special thanks goes to Mr Paul Moxon. The students appreciated the knowledge he shared and look forward to working with him in the future.
The Environmental Council meets every Thursday, second break. Those wishing to become involved are welcome to do so. The Environmental Council are currently working on the growing of seedlings and the regeneration of the creek behind the College. There are numerous projects and it is an exciting way of helping the environment and the school community.
Shaun Nichols - Environmental Council Coordinator