Principal's Report

Hello everyone,
Thank you for your work and support in Term 3. This week Year 12 experienced their final classes, Thanksgiving Mass and Graduation Assembly. I thank and congratulate them for their contributions to McCarthy Catholic College and for the example they set of being people of character and care in our school community. Collectively we wish Year 12 students well for the HSC exams, Formal and beyond. Thank you to parents, students and staff who supported and encouraged our Year 12 students.
Living Well, Learning Well Student Survey
This term all students completed the Diocesan Living Well, Learning Well Survey. This survey allows us to check in on how students feel about their school in the key domains of ‘I am safe’, ‘I am cared for, valued and respected’ and ‘I am highly regarded as a learner’. All schools in the Diocese complete this survey with results shown in the Diocesan Data Ecosystem under headings of ‘Supported’ ‘Student Voice’, ‘Safety’, ‘Learning’ and ‘Cared for’.
If you listened only to some of the more strident media you may start to believe that the safety, learning and wellbeing of children and young people in Australian schools are at risk and declining. The surveys across the Diocese have been very reassuring and affirm that the fine work of a skilled team of adults benefits our students and is recognised by our students. Don’t listen to the hysterical claims that schools and/or the young people attending them are out of control or in great decline.
At McCarthy the highest positive responses are for the statements:
- I am physically safe.
- Staff support my learning.
- Teachers and support staff value, respect and care for me.
- I know how to access wellbeing support at my school.
- I get worthwhile learning in calm, collaborative classrooms.
We are very happy with this progress as we know that feeling safe, secure and valued in an orderly environment is a pre-condition for successful learning and wellbeing. We also know that now is the time to focus extra attention on increasing student voice and choice, and on ensuring that more students experience 5 great lessons every day.
In the data shown below, green highlighted responses are strongly positive, red highlighted responses are a concern and clear (unhighlighted) boxes are mid-range. Please note the highs of Year 7 and 11 and the dips in some areas across Years 8, 9 and 10. Most observers agree that connection to school and enthusiasm for the purposes of school may decline in some students during these years. Our goal is to minimise these numbers so that more students experience successful learning pathways over their time at school. We pay careful attention to this data in planning improvement in the support of each Year Group next Term and next year.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Thank you for your continued support. Enjoy any break you may have over these Spring holidays.
All the best
Rod Whelan - Principal