Principal's Post

Dear Parents,


We are very familiar with ideas on how to be an effective parent, but it can be excruciatingly difficult at times to focus on positive aspects and encouragement when young people lack focus and discipline towards their study and revision. This is a hot topic for many of our Year 10 and Year 11 Students as they are challenged during our Progress Interviews. It is very frustrating when you know your son is capable of more, but succumbs to the distractions of technology, social media and gaming. Nonetheless, it has been a pattern that occurs every year since the Progress Interviews were introduced years ago, in fact in the 1990s. The interviews do provide an opportunity for the students to reflect on how they are tracking and what is required if they are to fulfil their aspirations. For many students they are receiving reality checks on what is required in the various subjects, especially when it comes to summative understanding. This is based on the orderly collation of ideas, principles and notes and then cleverly locking them to memory by studying and revising effectively. We continue to have an exam based structure and there is a prescribed process to gain advantage. Study is not merely a case of doing time. It has to be effective. William Glasser was a renowned psychiatrist who proposes that we learn more when we explain and teach someone rather than reading over notes. In fact he proposes:


We learn:

10% of what we read

20% of what we hear

30% of what we see

50% of what we see & hear

70% of what we discuss

80% of what we experience

95% of what we teach to others


It is clear, and I must say a relief for schooling and education, that we do miss the constructs of the classroom for many reasons. The practice of explaining and discussing concepts and ideas with mates and presenting information to parents is a powerful strategy to build capacity and retention.


Students accounting for their exam performance in 2020 and 2021 undoubtedly had unique circumstances and added material if they are looking for reasons and excuses. It was very refreshing to hear students focussing on circumstances they can change and that are in their control. These included developing more organised routines to their study and committing to reduce the distractions that potentially compromises performance.


Competition has started in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the Opening Ceremony takes place tonight. Mazenod has two Old Collegians competing. Former student and staff member Damian Schumann (2005) who won Gold at the Commonwealth Games in Beach Volleyball will be competing and Jeff Riseley (2004) will be competing in his 4th Olympics qualifying for the 800m. 


Damian will be competing in Pool A.       

11.00pm       Saturday          July 24                                                                        

4.00pm         Monday            July 26                      

6.00pm         Wednesday     July 28


Jeff will race on Saturday July 31 with the first heat starting at 10.50am.


Outstanding achievements and we wish them every success.


Yours sincerely,



Mr Tony Coghlan
