Music News

Dr Andrew Butt

As the semester draws to a conclusion there is much to celebrate. After the turmoil of 2020 it was so pleasing to return to live formats with the boys truly lifting each time to produce some outstanding results. The Concert Celebration recording available in this week’s newsletter gives full testament to this. We now look forward to Semester 2 with concerts across South East Queensland including several performances in Toowoomba and the Brisbane City Centre. More details to come in the near future.

Year 5 Band and String Concert

Congratulations to the Year 5 boys who commenced their instrumental performance journey last Thursday evening in the Draney Theatre. The event featured several highlights including a vocal presentation from sibling members of our vocal program. Well done to Baxter Melrose, Hudson Melrose, Ben Warren and Sam Warren. We look forward to the continued development of our Year 5 students into next Semester.

Music Extension 2022

Year 11 students who are currently studying Music as a subject may be interested in undertaking Music Extension as an option in Year 12. The Music Extension syllabus provides an opportunity for students with specific abilities in music to extend their expertise. The subject assumes that Units One and Two of the Music syllabus (or equivalent) have been studied before commencing this syllabus. Marist College Ashgrove enjoys state-of-the-art music facilities and has been recognised nationally as a leader in the field of music education. At the start of term boys will be provided with more information on what is involved in taking this subject.

Concert Celebration Recording