From the Head of College

Mr Michael Newman

The Encounter of Dialogue and Discernment

An interesting article on the front page of the weekend edition of The Australian gave an appraisal of a global study, led by French economist Thomas Piketty, examining Western democracies and their changing voting allegiances. In summary, he found that voters who are educated and reside in higher socio-economic areas are increasingly voting Labor whilst less educated and less affluent voters are increasingly voting Liberal. This is a significant turnaround from longstanding traditional voting trends where Labor represented ‘blue collar’ working-class voters and Liberal represented a conservative white-collar demographic. This is fundamentally a reversal of the relationship between education, wealth, and ideology. There has been a transformation in the traditional voting of class lines in Australia. The article also noted the rising support of the Greens from almost 0% in the 1990’s to 10% today; also attracting voters who are mostly affluent, university educated and live in urban areas.


Pope Francis’ latest encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’, which is subtitled “on fraternity and social friendship”, is a rousing call to our fellow human beings to re-image the world. Some of this re-imagining may already be happening with the changes in voter sentiment. Yet, at times, it seems society is more polarised than ever. 


Pope Francis calls us to have a social-cultural conversation and to make a point of living in community, dialoguing and working together. He says that our culture is suffering from sickness and we did not realise it until the global pandemic made it obvious. Pope Frances also shares the irony that although we literally carry the entire world in our pockets, we are so disconnected. He urges us to listen to people at all levels. Pope Francis encourages us to dream about the world we want to live in, post the global pandemic.


The source of truth Pope Francis directs us to is the scriptures, in particular, the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’. We need to enter into encounters with our brothers and sisters, especially those in need, just like the good Samaritan. Keep in mind that the Samaritan was the last person that the Jews would have expected to have stopped for someone in need. Like the good Samaritan, we need to reach out beyond our frontiers, beyond that which is the norm or expected, beyond our comfort zone. Pope Francis encourages us to talk about our concerns but respect the views of others. We need to listen and understand without having all the answers. Unfinished thinking and discernment are ok. It is in conversation, dialogue, encounter, reaching out, that, together with God, we will gain deeper understandings and bring on a new and more connected world. The key is peace and unity rather than division and hatred. Pope Francis believes that we need open dialogue without judgement for the betterment of all. 


God of the Journey, may we, as members of the Marist family, and all the young men of the College, authentically encounter and be open to dialogue with all our sisters and brothers.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world ” (Mahatma Gandhi). 

Semester 1 Academic Reports

This week, the teachers will be finalising marking and reporting for your son, prior to the release of reports in the parent portal and student cafe on Friday 25 June. This point of time report complements the continual reporting mechanism via the Parent Portal which is available to parents as your son completes each individual assessment task. Along with two parent/teacher interviews, we trust that communication between the teacher, the parent and your son is continual, timely and informative, enabling the best possible academic progress of your son, yearlong. Senior students also have academic care interviews throughout Years 11 and 12 where parents are invited to attend and discuss the academic progress of their son. Conversation, partnership, and dialogue between the parents, each student and the teacher is proven to assist the academic outcomes of each individual. We trust that the Semester 1 report adds an important element to this conversation and partnership. If you have any queries, I ask you to contact our Curriculum Heads and Leader – Jen Smeed: (Years 10-12), Roxanne Rosenberg: (Years 7-9) and Jennifer Little: (Years 5-6).

Primary Athletics Carnival 2021

On Friday, we witnessed many outstanding achievements and efforts at the annual Primary Athletics carnival. Congratulations are extended to all the boys on the way they entered fully into the day. Of particular note, I highlight the following:

  • The winners on the day were the Green Team.
  • Participation and enjoyment where the boys competed in Age Championship and novelty events. Novelty events included an obstacle course, tug-o-war, vortex javelin, frisbee discus and long jump.
  • The team spirit displayed throughout the day with the boys singing their colour war cries and the ‘Ashgrovina’ in full voice. The boys not only cheered home those in their colour but also supported those boys competing for Age Champions. Many boys entered into the spirit of the day by dressing up, wearing face paint and wigs.

I extend my congratulations to all boys on their efforts and participation and thank the parents who came along to support their son on the day. Well done to primary Sports Co-ordinator, Mr John Lambourne and the primary staff for organising and conveying the day.

Confraternity Shield 2021

Best wishes to our 1st XIII Rugby League Team who will be playing in the Confraternity Shield over the first week of the holidays, Sunday 27 June - Friday 2 July. This event, hosted by Iona College, unites 48 Catholic and independent schools throughout Queensland. The carnival has been going for 41 years with many current Australian and Queensland representatives featuring in the carnival including, Jonathon Thurston, Matthew Scott, Matthew Bowen, Bob Linder, Wendell Sailor, Daly Cherry-Evans, Michael Morgan, and Cameron Munster. I wish all the boys the best of luck and to their dedicated and generous coaches and assistants, namely: Ryan Apps, Luke Caplick, Wayne Treleaven and Peter Anderson. 

Driver Education Program

All Years 11 and 12 students and their parents are invited to attend the YOU CHOOSE Youth Road Safety program to be held on Monday 12 July in the Champagnat Centre from 6:30pm-8:00pm.


This program aims to inspire a genuine social movement for changed driving behaviours. YOU CHOOSE Youth Road Safety is acknowledged, supported, and advocated by police, educators, transport departments, parents and young people around Australia.


This program is presented by Melissa McGuinness.


Please register via the Trybooking link:


I thank Head of Students, Mr Peter Serone for organising this program for the boys and their parents.

Staff Professional Development

I thank staff who will be undertaking professional development from 23-25th June and on Monday 12th July, prior to your son’s return from holidays. Areas that the staff will focus upon include: reporting, marking, students with special needs, first aide, ATAR progress of senior students, a review of the revised Australian Curriculum, Year 9 camp debrief, senior education and training (SET) preparation, subject department curriculum meetings and concluding with a liturgy. I thank our dedicated staff who continue to develop and hone their professional skills to provide the best possible learning outcomes for your sons. 

Emerald Visit

The College looks forward to visiting Emerald this week for the AG-GROW Field days. This is one of the most successful marketing events available to agricultural businesses, consistently introducing annually some 30-50 exhibitors. AG-GROW is to be held from 24th – 26th June at the local showgrounds. The boarding staff of Ty Casey (Head of Boarding) and Josh Mulligan (Assistant Head of Boarding) look forward to meeting with Marist families from the local area and those families who would like to enquire more about boarding life at Marist. A Marist Ashgrove dinner for all interested families will be held together on Thursday evening. For more information contact

Social Justice initiatives re-commence

We are pleased to have tentatively re-commenced some Social Justice service activities for the boys post the covid-19 pandemic. Well done to the boys who joined Ms Clara Sandona to undertake Rosie’s Street Outreach on Friday night. We also, are hoping to re-commence the Marist dinner and conversation gatherings with our friends on the streets of Brisbane from next term. These encounters of listening and sharing a meal are a wonderful experience of being guest to another. I thank our Mission department led by Mr Luke McMahon (AP Identity) and Mrs Mena McLean (College Chaplain) and the many generous staff involved in this program for organising and facilitating these opportunities for the boys. 

Term 3 Commencement

I wish all boys a restful and re-energising holiday starting Tuesday, 22nd June at 3.10pm. I look forward to the return of all boys on Tuesday, 13th July. Please ensure that your son returns with his uniform clean and resized as required, a regulation haircut and that he has set new goals for the two busy terms of learning which lie ahead for 2021. 


May our loving God with Mary our good mother and St Marcellin Champagnat walk with all members of the Marist College Ashgrove Family.

Coming Events

Tuesday 22 June

  • Final Day of Term 2
  • Boarder Travel Day
  • Primary Award Assembly - Draney Theatre
  • Year 6 Technology Incursion
  • House Meetings Years 5-12
  • College Assembly

Sunday 27 June

  • Confraternity Carnival Commences

Friday 2 July

  • Confraternity Carnival Concludes

Monday 12 July

  • Boarders Return
  • You Choose Driver Education Program with Melissa McGuiness for Year 11 and 12 Parents - Champagnat Centre

Tuesday 13 July

  • Start Term 3 (Winter Uniform)
  • Reconciliation – Chapel
  • House Meetings Years 5-12
  • Study Hall – Senior Library

Wednesday 14 July

  • Year 12 Retreat - starts
  • Mass in Chapel

Thursday 15 July

  • SVdP Sausage Sizzle
  • Game Changers Meetings

Saturday 17 July

  • Rugby League/Basketball/Tennis Trials

Sunday 18 July

  • Boarders’ Mass (Chapel) - 6:30pm
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Primary Champagnat Awards
Primary Champagnat Awards
Primary Champagnat Awards
Year 12 - Networking and Recruitment Presentation
Year 12 - Networking and Recruitment Presentation
Year 12 - Networking and Recruitment Presentation
Year 5-6 Band and Strings Concert
Year 5-6 Band and Strings Concert
Year 5-6 Band and Strings Concert
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Winter Sports Dinner 2021
Primary Champagnat Awards
Primary Champagnat Awards
Primary Champagnat Awards
Year 12 - Networking and Recruitment Presentation
Year 12 - Networking and Recruitment Presentation
Year 12 - Networking and Recruitment Presentation
Year 5-6 Band and Strings Concert
Year 5-6 Band and Strings Concert
Year 5-6 Band and Strings Concert