Learning and Teaching Update

'Nurturing collaborative and authentic relationships.'

Systems Inquiry Term 3

Inquiry-based learning is more than asking a student what he or she wants to know. It’s about triggering curiosity and making meaning. Activating a student’s curiosity forms the start of learning at Fatima. While teachers may guide the inquiry to various degrees and set parameters for a classroom inquiry, true inquiry is internally motivated. We always start with a ‘big question’ and let the students guide the way….


In term 3 we are thinking about the overarching concept of Systems through the level learning programs.

  • Prep: How do farms work effectively to provide the needs of society?
  • Year 1 and 2: What systems do living things belong to and how do they help living things survive?
  • Year 3 and 4: How does my environmental footprint affect the local and global environment and how can I ensure I have a positive impact on my local environment?
  • Year 5 and 6: Inner, outer and beyond: Systems and Survival. How are systems contributing to our survival?


Olivia Murray

Leader of Inquiry Learning and Teaching
