Religious Education Update 

'Religious Education enables learners to encounter God in their lives and to articulate what this means, in an environment that welcomes multicultural and multi-faith world views.'

Sacramental dates will be advised  once we know more about lockdown restrictions.

We have been able to schedule new dates for our Reconciliation and Eucharist Sacraments.

The Year 3 and 4 students will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Thursday 5th August at 7pm in the Church.

The Year 4 students will be celebrating the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the Parish Mass on Sunday 8th of August at 5:00pm.


The Year 5 students will be celebrating the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the Parish mass on Sunday 15th August at 5:00pm.

As a school our prayers are with them as they make this important step and we look forward to celebrating these Sacraments with them.


Alicia Baker

Leader of Religious Dimension of the School