In Praise of...

'Always recognising and affirming kindness, growth and great achievements.'

In Praise of the Fatima Community after a very successful Review...

I would like to acknowledge all of the staff, parents and children who contributed to our recent successful school review. Thank you for your honest feedback and for enabling us to set new directions with the guidance of our school reviewer, Paul Ould and our Regional Leadership Consultant Maree Holmes from Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools. Next steps for us is to write our new school improvement plan (strategic plan) which will guide our direction and set up our structures for the next school improvement cycle.


I would like to acknowledge Bill Carroll this week. Bill is our very generous maintenance man who comes in early and ensures that our grounds are looking clean and tidy and who fixes all the little things that need fixing. Recently Bill has helped to bring in our new furniture and has spent many hours getting rid of a lot of old furniture. It was a big job and we appreciate it.

Thanks Bill.


In Praise of our Preps - 100 days smarter, 100 days better known, 100 days more confident,100 days of belonging to our school!

Some snaps from our Prep online dance party!