COVID-19 Update 2

Remote and Online Learning Requirements

MACS advise that the following are the daily minimum guidelines schools are expected to meet:

  • for students in Prep to Year 2, schools should provide daily learning programs that include the following as a minimum:
    • literacy activities that take a total of 45–60 minutes
    • numeracy activities of around 30–45 minutes
    • additional learning areas, play-based learning and physical activity of about 30–45 minutes
  • for students in Years 3 to 6 and 7 to 10, schools should provide daily learning programs that include the following as a minimum:
    • literacy: 45–60 minutes
    • numeracy: 30–45 minutes
    • physical activities: 30 minutes
    • additional curriculum areas: 90 minutes.

We are confident that along with the feedback received from our parent survey that we have designed the right amount of learning time, physical time, creative time, wellbeing time and family time.


Food for families in need

The Southern Peninsula Food For All work every week to prepare food hampers for those in crisis or who are struggling to pay rent and feed their families.  At the moment they have a number families requiring urgent help. These amazing volunteers work from the large shed behind our school hall. If you know of anyone who is requiring support you can contact the crisis centre in Rosebud on 5986 1285. The Southern Peninsula Community Support Centre is able to provide food parcels for families that may be in need at this time. You simply need to ring and chat to one of the workers at the centre.