Important Announcements

'Dream, Believe, Achieve in 2021'

Our Place - The New Fatima!

Thank you for our wonderful new virtual experience through the eyes of our children. How lucky we are to belong to this community.


We have had a very successful review with our report being completed during the school holidays. There were many strengths identified, many opportunities and of course, 4 clear recommendations for school growth and improvement.  


Our strengths include:


1. School-based Sacramental program:

  • partnership with Parish
  • key role in supporting Catholic identity

2. Students:

  • wellbeing & growth in learning - clear priority,
  • feel safe, valued and respected

3. Targeted focus on data analysis:

  • gauge impact on individual student growth in learning
  • development of a data-informed culture
  • Staff professional learning (ongoing)
  • centralised data storage - accessible to all staff

4. Collaborative planning time:

  • valued by staff
  • always provided by Leadership Team

5. Performance and Development Culture for teachers:

  • has been adopted and started
  • planned and developed in accordance with the Strategic Plan

6. NCCD:

  • 2020 external audit affirmed school’s processes  around evidence-collection
  • ensures all learners are catered for

We are ready to start planning our next 4 year cycle of school improvement and look forward to sharing the new strategic plan with our community through the newsletter and website. Some of our parent feedback is as follows:

One of our Preppies said recently that she calls her school 'My Lady of Fatima' because it is HER school. I think that says it all. Some of our fantastic student feedback is as follows:

Some of the factors that we know underpin significant school improvement are as follows:

We are excited to already have started many aspects of the work of the new school improvement cycle and we look forward to continuing to make a great school greater with your support, encouragement and partnership. Our teachers met on Wednesday remotely with a team from MACS to begin the task of shared vision and writing our strategic plan. We value the feedback given by our parent focus groups and our student focus groups. Feedback drives our work forward.


Website news

If you have visited our school website recently, you will notice a few improvements. We are working on building a bigger picture of who we are and what we do and we are excited about the new directions. You will notice many of your beautiful children in the pictures throughout all pages and how much brightness and colour they add with their smiles and happy faces. If you have not already followed us on Instagram or Facebook, please visit our socials and join in the learning stories that we share every day. They do tell the story of who we are and celebrate Fatima a place for learning, a place for friendship, a place for feeling safe and a place for children.


Yawa News

I am writing to you on behalf of the Flyers Swim Team. We are excited to announce that the Flyers Swim Team will be providing their squad program at the newly built Yawa Aquatic Centre in Rosebud to commence on July 26th, 2021. This consequently will provide opportunities for our local children to have access to swim training at a squad level with qualified coaches in a convenient and local location. The Lead Flyers Swim Coach at Yawa Aquatic Centre will be dual Olympian, Sam Purvis. As an accomplished professional swimmer and coach she presents as both an inspiration and role model not only to swimmers, but to athletes in general. 

Circus Skills

The Circus skills program has begun. We won't let COVID hold us back. We know how important this program is to our wellbeing structures and performing arts culture. Circus skills days will recommence on Mondays and Tuesdays and will culminate to a concert in week 9, Tuesday September 7th (My apologies that this date was incorrect in the last newsletter). If we cannot do a concert by the end of this term, we will make a movie! The show must go on.


Sadly we will not be going swimming in Weeks 2 and 3 due to our current restrictions.  We are currently working with YAWA to see if we can find dates over the rest of the year.  As you can imagine they are very much booked up however we will work together to see if we can get a program completed.  We will notify you of any updates to the program.

Safety's parent guide to popular apps

Learn how to help young people safely use popular apps including TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube.

This webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 8-13.

It will cover: 

  • an explanation of the popular apps used by young people
  • case studies, research, and targeted advice
  • ways you can support the young people in your life to have safe, enjoyable online experiences. REGISTER NOW


We send out most heartfelt condolences to Marie and Riley (5/6C) on the loss of Lindsay on Tuesday after a very long illness. Lindsay was Grandpa to Riley and Marie's lovely husband. We ask God to hold Marie, Riley and their family in the palm of his hand.

Kids Helpline - Anytime, anywhere

Providing our students with access to a helpline especially in the holiday period is important. Part of being at school every day comes the knowledge that our students have responsible adults around them all day to help them if they feel unsafe. Kids helpline exists to help kids anytime, anywhere.


Please click here to access Kids Helpline