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Expressions of Interest invited

MACS OLOF School Advisory Council

Expressions of interest are sought for Parents of Our Lady of Fatima School Advisory Council (SAC) members to form our brand new council. 


The SAC meet 6-8 times in the school year which includes the Annual General Meeting. 


Please see the following items in the information pack to determine your interest in nominating for a council position and /or a chance for potential nominees to discuss the role of the council and the expectations of a council member with the principal, or Custodian of Mission (parish priest). 

Please find the Information pack linked as follows.


  1. Terms of Reference link
  2. MACS Mission
  3. Our Lady of Fatima School Vision and Mission 


Following expressions of interest is a discernment process. This process ensures that those who have expressed an interest have had an opportunity to discern their readiness to be part of the SAC. Such a process includes:


  • Reflecting on the Mission of MACS and the school (information pack)
  • Exploring the shared understanding that serving on the School Advisory Council is a means for members of our community to share their skills and talents for the common good.
  • Interviewing those who submitted an Expression of Interest.
  • Sharing known background information about the potential members - with observance of privacy laws and confidentiality.
  • Considering the good character of the person and their disposition.
  • Guaranteeing a balance of gender, diversity and skill sets on the SAC.


Please forward your expression of interest to


I look forward to the formation of our new Council under the governance of MACS and I am keen to start the necessary and important work of our school master plan as soon as possible. In addition to this are several other matters to invite parent voice into such as; school improvement, uniform, before and after care services and future planning. Upon formation of the council will be an induction process to tour the school, sign our child safety policy and code of conduct, be familiar with the conflict of interest policy and get to know a new group of people. It is an exciting opportunity for me, for our potential council members and for our school.