Principal's Update

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Learning brings hope. In a Catholic school that hope is based on the experience of God’s love and care for all. Catholic educators see learning as a journey of endless possibilities, where students are energised to seek meaning and explore questions about the world around them. In partnership with parents and the broader Church, Catholic schools contribute to

a life-foundation for students that is centred in Jesus Christ and grounded in truth, beauty and love. At the very heart of each Catholic school is a desire for the full flourishing of each student, across religious, physical, cognitive, emotional and social domains.

Dear Families


We welcome you back to Term 3. I would like to keep the tone of this week's newsletter forward focused and celebrate a great start to our term despite our current situation. I know that you have received enough COVID -related news, so this week we are celebrating you and your children. 


We were well and truly immersed in that sense of hope and opportunity for growth and improvement last week when we welcomed you all in for Student-led conferences - three way conversations designed to be the starting point for more open student voice and authentic partnerships in learning for your children.


Congratulations and thank you for embracing this change. The feedback so far is very encouraging. Many children I have spoken to enjoyed sharing their achievements and were very excited to be in the company of their parents and teachers together. They were excited to be given the chance to talk about their goals, have a voice, be listened to, and learn to become animated in their learning in the process. 


Thank you also to many of you who took the time to respond to the student/parent self reflection and brought it in to your conference. It was terrific to read your feedback.


It is through changing the lens of some of our processes such as the change from 'Parent/Teacher conversations' to 'Student-led conversations' that we are seeking to really open up the 8 key entitlements of all learners in our Catholic School. These entitlements are:

  1. Honour the sacred dignity of each person - In what ways is the sacred dignity of each person honoured in our learning community?
  2. Search for truth - In what ways do we ensure that learners come to know themselves and their worldview?
  3. Embrace difference and diversity - In what ways do we tap into the rich tapestry and diversity of the life experiences within our community?
  4. Build a culture of learning together - In what unlikely places do we find strength and determination in ourselves and our learners to grow and make an impact?
  5. Engage with the deep questions of life - In what ways are spaces in our school being opened for learners to critically engage with deep questions of life and faith?
  6. Honour equitable access and opportunity for all - In what ways are 'new ways' embraced in your community to imagine new futures?
  7. Commit to achieving the highest standards possible - In what ways are our learners becoming fully alive?
  8. Make a difference in the world - In what ways are our learners animated to be local and global citizens?

I think we can confidently say that we are well on our way to understanding and unpacking these entitlements and ensuring that our structures and programs are reflecting these entitlements. 

I congratulate your children for their willingness to engage in a new way of understanding their own learning journey and for bravely stepping out of comfort zones to try something entirely different, be challenged, feel excited, take a risk and even overcome some nerves and worry.  What a wonderful new experience for them. Nothing about them without them!


I would like to draw your attention to the Our Lady of Fatima Annual Report to the School Community; a document written collaboratively by the Leadership Team in 2021 with a contribution from Fr John Paul. This document is a requirement for all schools to outline the work done in the 2020 school year with special acknowledgement to Mrs. Monica Coyle and her leadership of this community throughout last year. You can always find it on our website. Please find a link to the ASRC here.


As always go gently and if you have any feedback or ideas we always want to hear them.


God Bless,



Patrika Rowley