Classroom & Curriculum News

1/2 Respectful Relationship- Cooperation

In Week 1 of Term 3, the grade 1/2 children learnt about the importance of cooperation. The children had a great discussion about why it is important to cooperate while we are playing team sport, as well as working in groups or with a partner in the classroom. The children learnt that cooperation also involves: listening to one another, helping friends and team mates, being friendly and sharing the responsibility.

As part of the learning task, both grade 1/2 classes played the Hula-hoop challenge where they had to form a circle holding hands and travel a hula-hoop around the circle without letting go. 

A lot of laughs were had, but a very valuable lesson on how important cooperation, talking to each other and finding solutions can make team work.

1/2 Remote Learning Prayer Space

Have a look at the wonderful prayer spaces made by some of our grade 1/2 students while learning from home. This task was all about reflection and making connections with special symbols and objects we find at Church.

Year ¾ Potato Olympics

Throughout Remote Learning and to celebrate the Olympics in Tokyo, the Yr3/4 students took part in the Potato Olympics. They created a Potato athlete, made it a profile and even a flag & to represent a country. This week, the ‘athletes’ competed in Diving, Distance Running, Dance, Gymnastics, Weightlifting & Potato & Spoon races. As much as they had a s-mashing time, some potatoes were hurt in the process. It was a Spud-tacular event and all coaches & potato athletes went home with Gold medals! More photos to still come...