Library News

All things DC

In the library I will often overhear the students discussing what their preferences are regarding superheroes.  Basically you are either a DC fan or a Marvel fan, not many like both!  Soon we will have a new trio of DC novels for students to sink their teeth into. The covers alone make them intriguing and worth the wait. Keep an eye out for their arrival (coming soon!).

ClickView for everyone

According to the statistics, ClickView is being used by staff and students prolifically at school and at home, which is fabulous to see. There are over 100 G and PG rated movies to watch, not to mention the 5,000 educational shows. Access is via compass or the library catalogue. Netflix, Stan and Foxtel only have shows/movies on for a small period of time where as ClickView will have them on for ages and ages (years). Why not have a look next time you're too hot to do anything, relax and enjoy!