Transition From Grade 8-9

Panel Transitions
Grade 8 is an exciting time for students and parents. At TDSB we are very fortunate to have a range of options and an Elementary Itinerant Guidance Counselor to support everyone through the transitions process. Our EIC is Ms. Bianca Angheloni. She works at numerous TDSB schools and is assigned to be at Northlea one half day a week.
Grade 8-9 Transition - Parent Information Evening
Bianca Angheloni, our Elementary Itinerant Counselor, will lead an introduction to the “Beyond 8” program at a Grade 8 information evening at Northlea EMS on Thursday, October 24th in the South Gym from 6 to 7pm. It is highly recommended that all families of grade 8 children attend this very important meeting. Families of grade 7 children are also invited to attend. The session will provide information about: key dates, timelines, Secondary School programs and requirements, Secondary School Open House dates and times, Course Selection and much more. For those who are unable to attend, the presentation will be emailed to you the week of October 28.
Beyond Grade 8 TDSB Website
The Beyond 8 website is a valuable resource full of information about the wide range of learning opportunities available at the TDSB. It will help students and their parents make decisions that will influence their experience throughout high school and the future.
For students just beginning high school, visit the Beyond 8 | Choices for 9 interactive website for more information about this important transition year. To help make an informed decision when choosing a school, TDSB schools host information nights for parents and students each year between October and January. Learn everything you need to know about our incredible variety of schools, programs and courses.
TDSB is committed to creating an equitable school system where the achievement and well-being of every student is fostered through rich, culturally authentic learning experiences in diverse, accepting environments where all are included, every voice is heard, and every experience is honoured. Enjoy the journey as you explore and learn more about the range of courses and programs available in the TDSB.
High School Open House Evenings
To help you make an informed decision when choosing a school, TDSB schools host open houses and information nights for parents and students each year between October and January. Learn everything you need to know about our incredible variety of schools, programs and courses. Please click here for the schedule If you have questions about a specific school or open house, please contact the school directly for more information.
Please note that not all programs/schools are open to Optional Attendance if you do not live in the school's catchment area. Acceptance at these schools is subject to space availability and program suitability. The procedures, conditions and timelines relating to optional attendance are described in the Optional Attendance Policy and the Optional Attendance Operational Procedure.
Each year in December, schools are classified as limited or closed to optional attendance based on the space they have available for the upcoming school year.
A Note from Ms. Angheloni
The students will learn to create effective Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) using an online program entitled My Blueprint. You can learn more about My Blueprint by reading this pamphlet. My Blueprint will assist them in reflecting and exploring their interests and strengths. The process enables the students to establish and monitor their progress towards academic and personal goals in collaboration with their teachers and parents.
Grade 8 to 9 Transitions:
The grade 8 students will be working on “Choices for Nine”, their transition program to grade 9 throughout the year. The introduction to the program begins in early October. I will be making regular visits to the grade 8 classes to ensure that information goes out in a timely manner.
I am always happy to talk to the families of students. You are the most important people in your child’s life! If you have any questions of concerns please contact me via email
Looking forward to another great year,
Bianca Angheloni