2017 Term Dates and       Canteen Roster

Rock'N'Roll night


18th Sept–4th Oct                 Italian Study Tour

18th Sept– 4th Oct                Year 10 Work Experience

Thurs 21st September         LM Meetings & Year 7,8&9

                                                       PTS  Interviews (4.00pm-6.30pm)

Friday 22nd September       Last day term 3



Monday 9th October              First day term 4

                                                        Year 10 Retreat

Thurs 12th October                LMR Athletics

Frid 13th October                    SSV Campaspe Inter Cricket (Round 1)

Mon 16th October                   Year 10/11 Drama Excursion

Wed 18th –Frid 20th               Year 9 Camp Lake Eildon

Wed 18th October                   Last day 2nd Year VET students

                                                        SSV Campaspe 7B&8B cricket

                                                        Social Justice Seminar

                                                        School Immunisation Program

                                                            (Year 7’s only)

Frid 20th October                    SSV Campaspe Inter Cricket

                                                              (Round 2) Nathalia

                                                         Yr 12 Drama Performance

Mon 23rd October                    State Athletics

Wed 25th October                    Year 12 Celebration day

Thurs 26th-Frid 27th               Year 11 Outdoor Ed. Camp 1

Thurs 26th October                 LMR Basketball 7B/G 8 B/G

                                                         Intermediate B/G

Frid 27th October                     Year 10 Keys Please

Mon 30th October                    VCE Art and Technology Expo

                                                         LMR Cricket 7/8 B,

                                                         Intermediate G/B

Mon 30th - Tues 31st               Year 11 Outdoor Ed. Camp 2

Tues 31st October                    Year 7 Immunisation catch up session

                                                         Year 7 PE Hot Glo Day (p3 & 4)


Nov 1st—Nov 22nd                   VCE Unit 3&4 Exams

Mon 6th November                  Student Free day—Cup Eve

Tues 7th  November                Melbourne Cup Day

Wed 8th November                 State Cricket  Qtr Finals Intermediate B

Frid 10th November               Stronger Youth Rally

                                                        Remembrance Day Ceremony &

                                                        Whole school assembly

Year 10 Retreat

*Please note that the Year 10 Retreat is on Monday the 9th of October - please check Caremonky for further details.*

Re-Enrolment 2018

If you know your child will not be returning to St Joseph’s College next year, please contact the front office or email the Registrar (registrar@sje.vic.edu.au).  Please advise us as soon as possible, so we can make ‘Offers of Enrolment’ to families currently on our waiting list and seeking enrolment at our school.  If we do not hear from you, we will presume your child is returning and count them in our numbers for the next year.  A CareMonkey email will be sent soon for you to complete.

Canteen Roster

If you are unable to make your rostered shift could you please call or text Julie ASAP on 0407800814.

We appreciate your support and assistance. *


Monday 9th October

9:00-11:30 Christie O’Brien, Jill Lord

1:00-2:30 Shelley Peterson

Tuesday 10th October

9:30-11:30 Lorraine Bay

1:00-2:30 Sarah McInnes

Wednesday 11th October

9:00-11:30 Lori Chadwick

1:00-2:30 Sue Bentley

Thursday 12th October

9:00-11:30 Ann Hodge

1:00-2:30 Danielle Wilson, Marita Hancock

Friday 13th October

9:00-11:30 Lisa Hamilton, Janine Casey

1:00-2:30 Amanda Lochhead, Tara Sproxton


Monday 16th October

9:00-11.30 Kirby Dodman, Kath Reid

1:00-2:30 Michelle McDougal

Tuesday 17th October

9:00-11:30  Jackie Hay

1:00-2:30  Janice Wyhborn

Wednesday  18th October

9:00-11:30 Amanda Elliott

1:30-2:30 Wendy Moyle

Thursday 19th October

9:00-11:30 Brenda Barnes

1:00-2:30  Maryann Colturi, Jodie Elliott

Friday 20th October

9:00-11:30 Belinda Williams, Sharee Edge

1:00-2:30 Lara English, Jessica Dunstan