From the Director of Primary

A great deal of research indicates that children today are spending too much time in doors, in front of screens and participating in highly structured activities.  In turn, children suffer from a lack of connection with the natural environment and are at risk of alarming health concerns such as obesity and anxiety. 

In recent years, we have witnessed the emergence of Bush Kinder programs throughout Australia as significant evidence indicates that they have a positive impact on children’s development.  For the remainder of the year the Kindergarten children will venture to Lambert Park, situated between Sandy Bay Road and Churchill Ave, for a Bush Kinder experience.  It is a perfect bush habitat for them to learn with uninterrupted play in the bush using what nature has provided as learning materials.



A great deal has been written about the importance of outdoor play.  The Early Years Learning Framework states that play spaces in natural environments “invite open-ended interactions, spontaneity, risk taking, exploration, discovery, and connection with nature.  They foster an appreciation of the natural environment, develop environmental awareness and provide a platform for ongoing environmental education.” 

Learning in a bush setting stimulates the senses, be it looking for insects, listening to local birds, playing with mud or splashing in puddles.  It fosters the development of coordination when, for example, children balance on uneven ground including logs and rocks.  It stimulates the imagination and creativity, encourages problem solving, fosters language development, concentration and independence.  In summary, Bush Kinder nourishes wellbeing – physical, mental, emotional and social – as children learn with their whole bodies. 

Footy Colours Day

This Friday the students are invited to wear their favourite footy colours, be it Aussie Rules, soccer, Rugby or as an umpire. The Kinder to Year 6 students will participate in a parade as well as several fun activities including a hand ball competition.  Many thanks to Mr Lowe for his organisation of this event.  The students are asked to bring a gold coin donation.  The parade will take place at 10am on the basketball court.

Term Four

As we look ahead to the Term 3 break, I thank all the staff, students and parents for a highly engaging and rewarding term.  Please note that the students are required to wear their Summer uniform from the commencement of Term 4.  Many of the students have grown during the winter months so it would be appreciated if the length of dresses is checked. In accordance with the Uniform Policy the dresses are to be at or below the knee.


May the upcoming holidays offer some time to rest up, rejuvenate and to enjoy the warmer weather that comes with Spring. 


Mrs Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

Director of Primary