Art & Design News

Juliana Neild’s work is currently in the NGV.  Although the gallery is closed at present due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we wanted to share what the gallery said about Juliana's work:

"Throughout history, artists have encouraged us to see the world more deeply by capturing its complexity, beauty and challenges. … Juliana Nield, a modern day Hericlitus, philosophically ponders the elusive concept of change through 144 etchings assembled to mirror a pair of searching eyes.”

The exhibition was set to run until 12 July 2020, so hopefully you might get to see it if the gallery re-opens before then. 


Art and Design students at PCW are well and truly into the year and enjoying their classes. 

Year 8 Art students continue to explore the art elements of texture, tone and form. You can see here some of the work from creative 7 & 8A students who made their figurative sculptures from aluminium foil and then photographed them with dramatic lighting to best see the texture in the small sculptures.


 The Year 10 Food Tech students have been cooking up a storm including delicious lemon meringue slice and mastering focaccia making!


Naomi Bishop, our school's Art Assistant, recently showed her oil paintings in the group show, Microcosmographia, at the art gallery Forty Five Downstairs.  Many PCW staff members attended the show opening to see the wonderful works on display.

Joy Mackey

Arts & Design Learning Leader