MCS Show Team

Dubbo Merino Wether Challenge

The show team were at the Dubbo Merino Wether Challenge on the 27 & 28th August. They took two teams of 3 Merino wethers to compete in a production style class where the wool and meat values of the animals are determined.

The show team have been training every Tuesday afternoon since the beginning of term 2 with the animals, to prepare and teach them to walk on leads. Our major sponsor MSM Milling donated 1 tonne of lamb finisher pellets to feed the Merinos over the preparation period.

The team competed against over 40 schools and finished with middle rankings. Although we had little success with the Merino animals the students still took advantage of the chance to interact with industry experts, breeders and other school students.

Our students also assisted as rouse-abouts for the AWI and TAFE shearers. They learnt how to skirt and pick up fleeces from the board, which will be valuable skills if they wish to go work in a shed.

Junior judging was the final activity for the team to participate in. The students act as the judges for fleeces and animals, to place them in the correct order of placings. Our students all had fun having a go at the competition.

The team all had a fun time at the show and we look forward to our next competition.