From the Principal's Desk

Congratulations Mrs Brown

Mrs Audrey Brown has been permanently appointed to the Primary Deputy Principal’s role. Mrs Brown has been relieving in the role for some of 2018 and 2019. Her permanent appointment will ensure consistency and stability to the Primary. We are fortunate to have someone with the experience, skills and passion to fill this significant role.

Tournament of the Minds

Last weekend Miss Lee supported students to participate in the Tournament of the Minds and the students demonstrated their learning at last weeks Primary Assembly. The challenge is prepared by the students over 5 weeks and is very student centred with teachers giving minimal assistance. The students had a wonderful time preparing for the challenge and have benefited from collaboration with their peers. Thank you, Miss Lee, for your willingness to work with our talented students. Please see story and photos on our Primary page.

Industry and Community Links

Molong Central students enjoy links to several industries and our teachers are constantly looking to provide opportunities to our students to experience the outside world. Our Business Studies students immersed themselves into the mining industry at Cadia Mine. Cadia is one of Australia’s largest goldmines and provides employment opportunities for many people in the local economy. Ms Chisolm organised for her Business Studies students to have a hands-on experience last week and it is these significant experiences that can generate thoughts of future careers for our students.

Another local company MSM Milling has continued to support our Show Team students and last week the team went to Dubbo for the Merino Weather Challenge. Each time our students attend an event like this they learn and grow their knowledge. Mrs Pokoney continues to develop the team’s skills and they are looking forward to 2020, where they will again compete at the Royal Easter Show. Please see report and photos in following pages.

Our students also take great delight in interacting with the residents of Prunus Lodge. Last week 3/4 Aqua sang songs and shared stories. The students and the residents benefited from the personal interaction and a fun afternoon was had by all.

Vocational Education and Electives

Our Year 12 Hospitality students are nearing the end of their Cert II and have been given opportunities to develop their service skills and this week they will serve the SASS staff. The construction students have contributed significantly to improving our physical environment this year and have worked on several projects.  Having teachers qualified to teach competencies in Hospitality and Construction allows our students an opportunity to become qualified and contribute marks towards the Higher School Certificate, should they choose to sit the examination. Thank you Mr Sugden and Mrs Corinth for you willingness to update your qualifications this year, to ensure our students have access to significant vocational education.

Last week our Metal and Wood elective classes collaborated to transform seats for our Kindergarten students. The seats needed a significant overhaul and both groups of students combined to create attractive and comfortable tables and chairs. Bunnings supported our project by donating the timber for the job and  Mr Sugden and Mr Culverson coordinated the students to ensure the tables and chairs were delivered to a high standard.

Improving Exam marks

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