Performing Arts Report

Term Overview

This term in Performing Arts, all students will be learning about Music!

Argus Community

The Argus community will be exploring and experimenting with different sounds to gain  an understanding of the music elements. Primarily students will be identifying and demonstrating different types of  tempo, pitch and dynamics. They will also  be learning to keep a steady beat with movement and musical instruments using  drums, shakers, rhythm sticks and tambourines. Students will also sing chants and respond to sound stories.


Xenica Community

The Xenica community will be participating in a range of music activities that involve singing, moving in the space and playing musical instruments. They will be exploring the music elements such as  tempo, pitch,  dynamics and contrast. Students will be able to express their ideas and feelings in response to different songs and learn about different musical cultures. 


Achilles Community

The Achilles community will be introduced to new rhythm patterns and will be able to create their own rhythm patterns to perform to the class. They have already started playing a range of percussion and melodic instruments to accompany their own music compositions. Students will be learning about instrument families and respond to songs using tone colour. They will be collaborating with each other  to create an ostinao arrangement using their voice and instruments.


Ulysses Community 

The Ulysses Community will be focusing on singing, playing instruments and creating their own music composition using technology. Students will develop their understanding of beat and rhythm in Reggae and Latin music and be able to compose their own music in that style. They will experiment with different qualities of sound and reflect on how they have used the music elements to arrange and compose their music pieces. 


Choir Club

This term Choir Club is working on a special Christmas Carol presentation to perform at the last Assembly of the year. Students will be learning 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' and 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer'. They have enjoyed starting to learn these songs and have added simple dance moves to match the lyrics.