Principal's News

Mothers’ Day Lunch

It was lovely to have one of our traditions back in the calendar – the Mothers’ Day Lunch.

The venue at Caulfield was perfect and the company wonderful.


I would like to thank:

  • the parents who organised the event: Alex Curtain, Alice Long, Amanda Gunnerson, Anita Young, Anna Gurry, Annaliese Byrne, Bree Stevens, Carly Morris, Christina Beaumont, Georgina Akkerman, Ginny McCubbin, Kate Keenan, Miranda Kent, Portia Taylor, Sarah Freeman, Sarah Stanley, Tor Stevens and Zoe Green – for their time and commitment to our school community.
  • the families who were able to support the event by attending – there is not much point organising something if no one turns up.
  • the sponsors and businesses that donated for the event – they were very generous and contributed to the success of the day.
  • and last, but by no means least, Cadell Duke (who MC’ed the event) and his Mum for helping to make this a memorable event. 

I hope all our Mums had a lovely day on Sunday!

We are incredibly lucky at Malvern Primary School to have a community that willingly shares and gives its time, resources and expertise for the support of our school – in particular the students.  The Mothers’ Day Lunch is certainly a great example of this.


We would not be able to provide the rich environment, curriculum and experiences without the support of our volunteers – thank you.


Volunteering is not limited to organising events though, it is so much more.  It includes being a member of the School Council (including committees) and Parents’ Association, helping in the classroom, attending working bees, producing documents, aiding in the communication to parents by being a Class Rep, helping with lost property and the Second Hand Uniform Shop, listening to your child reading each night so they continue to develop their skills, attending camps and excursions, providing advice and support for specific activities (such as leasing the Tuck Shop and revamping the Library),  keeping an eye on the school grounds over the weekend and school 

holidays, and so much more.

Wave Your Appreciation for Our Volunteers

We are waving our appreciation for volunteers at the school with a display of hands thanking our community members for their contribution.  If you would like to contribute, please pick up a hand from the office and drop it back with your message and we will add it to the display.


The hands will be displayed by the front sliding door.


Robyn James