General Information

What our students are working on or needing.


Happy birthday to the students celebrating their birthday this week:

Connor Grob


Our thoughts and prayers are with Charlotte Johnson and her family on the sad loss of her grandmother Diane Kelly. 



Eileen from Smeaton's has just informed the school that they have no internet for the week, so they are unable to accept any online orders until next week. If your child would like to order their lunch this week please do it the old fashioned way..... write the order on a paper bag / envelope, put in the correct money and send it in to the school on Tuesday / Friday morning. Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. 


Please remember that the eatappy is no longer in operation. Next week orders will be taken on the website or by sending your order to school in a paper bag/envelope, with your child. If ordering on the website please ensure you order from the St Joseph's School menu tab. 


If you have any questions please contact the school or Smeatons.


School fees are due on 17th June. To save unnecessary following up, please pay by this date. If you have any problems with the fee payments please contact the school to make an appointment to see Ms Mowle. 

The fees cover the basic running costs of the school- phone, power, gas, furniture, security etc. 

If you are paying your school fees by internet banking you MUST put your name or account number as a reference.



It is very important that the school has up to date contact information for each child. If we do not have the correct information at the school it is difficult for us to contact you if need be. If your details change during the year please contact the school as soon as possible.



Queens Birthday Long weekend - Monday 14th June and Pupil Free Day - Monday 12th July.

The school will be closed on both these days.