Captains' Corner

Good day St John’s community.
I hope you all are doing well during lockdown 4.0. I know when we all heard the news of cases rising in Victoria, we all knew a lockdown was soon coming. Lockdown isn’t fun for anyone. Unable to see our friends and family is very hard. We all were very excited to be back this Friday but unfortunately, we have been given another 7-day lockdown. I feel for the 7-10’s stuck at home for another week looking at their devices waiting for their teacher to start the call. If we follow the rule implemented by the Victorian government, we can make it back to a normal life without masks and restrictions.
With the 11s and 12s returning to school tomorrow it is a small step to getting back to normal. If we at school can continue to use hand sanitiser as we enter every class, wash our hand regularly and wear our masks correctly is our small contribution in trying to get all year levels back to school.
Most of us feel alone during lockdown and that is normal. But here at St John's, we have people to help us through this lonely stage. Our learning mentors, teachers and wellbeing staff are always around to help. Don’t feel scared to reach out, it is good to talk about what is going on either with a teacher, or counselor or even a friend. We should all reach out to our friends during this time. I have started to play Snapchat games with mates after school just to see how they are going and how is lockdown for them. A little challenge for our year 7-10 students still at home for another week: this is to send a friend a message on any social media platform and have chat with them. See how their day is going and play a game or two with them.
I will like to wish all the 7-11s best of luck with exams. I know this time can be very stressful but just relax and try your best. I can’t wait to see everyone back at school ready to learn. Don’t forget to keep up the MAD day donations. Let’s not have lockdown affect us reaching our goal of $15,000 to support our brothers and sisters in Pakistan and help wellsprings for women.
Stay Blessed and Stay Safe
Aiden Cachart College Captain
Hello everyone,
I commend you for all your efforts, hard work and motivation during these uncertain times. I want to remind you that he struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Being challenged in life is inevitable, but you have the choice to decide how you will react to these situations. Especially now, in this time of uncertainty, change the changeable and accept the unchangeable. We may not be able to see it in the moment, but everything happens for a reason. Seeing the light in the midst of darkness is a lesson we all should learn, not only during this difficult time, but all the time. Stay focused on the good and making it better. It can only go up from here! Use this time to make a difference in your life or in the lives of someone else with just some random acts of kindness. Work on all areas of personal growth, spend quality time with family, and focus on goals for the future. "When something goes wrong in life just yell 'plot twist!' and keep grinding." Keep your chin up, everything will work out just fine; you are not alone in this.
During this challenging time I find myself coming back to the same thought every morning, be grateful. Be grateful for the fact that you are alive, healthy and breathing. Be grateful for this extra time with family and friends, even though it may be through a virtual platform. While there is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, one thing is for sure - we will come out stronger on the other side, we will learn and grow from our mistakes and circumstances and we will be ready to fight whatever the future holds for us!
“Life throws you curves but you learn to swerve.” No one is ever really prepared for God’s greater plans, but we figure it out, taking it one day at a time. Now more than ever, we need to take care of each other. Take care of yourself and your peers. We’ll all look back on this time and will cherish a lot of the things that helped shape us into stronger and wiser individuals.
Maria Hinen
College Captain