Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning 

Mr Dion Spoljar, Acting Deputy Principal Teacher and Learning 

Examinations: Years 7-11

This week marks the commencement of our Year 7-11 Semester 1 examinations. 

Exams provide critical opportunities for our students to demonstrate their learning under conditions that simulate senior exams. For teachers, exams provide important diagnostic data that informs the next steps for intervention and extension within student learning programs.


The challenge of an extended lockdown has meant that we have been unable to replicate some of these exam conditions. 

However, we are still able to offer students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning through a shift to remote assessment and online exams. 


The delivery methods of these assessments is varied and includes SEQTA based assessment (WISP and eSubmissions), Progressive Achievement Tests in Maths for our Year 7-9 students, and Stile examinations for our Junior Sciences.


We wish all of our students the best in these assessments.


Year 12 classes resume on campus learning from Friday, June 4, and Year 11 students attend their exams on site.


From June 7, Years 7-9 students will resume online learning until Friday, June 11.

Year 10 students complete their Year 10 examinations remotely unless they are required to sit a Year 11 exam. In this case, they are required to complete the exam on-site, and remain on-site for the rest of the day to sit their scheduled Year 10 exams.


Year 11 and 12 VCAL students also resume face-to-face learning from Friday, June 4.

Subject Selection 2022

Please note that the subject selection process for 2022 begins early in Term 3.


The launch event for this process is our annual Futures Expo which is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, July 21. This evening provides students with the opportunity to consult a number of tertiary providers on pathway options post-secondary school. 


It is also an excellent way to engage with staff across all of our Learning Areas to seek clarity around what learning activities occur within subjects, what assessment are required to satisfy course requirements, and the pre-requisites needed to undertake senior studies.


Senior Studies presentations will also be scheduled on the evening to assist students in Year 10 with selecting the right senior pathway option. The Victorian Certificate of Education and the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning will be detailed for Year 10 students and their parents. Advice and support in selecting programs will also be discussed.


I wish to thank Ms Leana Bailey for her work in leading this event, and our Learning Leaders and staff for their support on this evening.