CIS Splash

By Greg Edwards - Leading Teacher

As the great Nelson Mandela famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”.  In two week’s time, GWPS will take the time to reflect and show gratitude for the opportunity that we have to be a part of education system during our Education Week celebrations. 


During this Education Week, the school will celebrate with a special assembly and an Open Morning and Night on Tuesday the 25th May.  During Open Morning and Open Night, parents will have the opportunity to share in the children’s learning regarding each Level’s science Inquiry question and how it connects to the world around us.  In addition to this, our specialist classrooms will also be open to showcase the outstanding, well rounded education our children have the opportunity to receive. 


By opening up our school, we are consciously providing the opportunity to strengthen the home/school partnership.  According to research, an increased level of parent input to a child’s learning can lead to improved outcomes.  The Education Week Open Morning and Open Night are one example of how we work to build the input of parents into the school community. 


Each year we provide parents with the opportunity to engage with the school and their child’s learning in a diverse way.  This includes our Twilight Tutorials which provide opportunities for parents to build their understanding of how the school’s learning programs operate and how they can best support their child at home. Already this year our Twilight Tutorials have included workshops on how to build cultural understanding in children and the strategies for working with anxious children delivered by specialist Michael Grose. As the year progresses, we plan to hold additional workshops in the areas of Digital Learning, Student Engagement in Learning and Data Literacy just to mention a few. 


As an organization, we pride ourselves on building the knowledge and knowhow of all people within our community, inclusive of staff, parents/guardians and students. This is reflected in our the GWPS Guiding Statements where it states ‘Partnerships with students, parents and the community are nurtured and collaboration integral’. Understandably, building the partnerships with the parent/guardian community is only possible if we the relationship is reciprocal. So, as we work towards Education Week, we would like to celebrate the wonderful role that our families play in the success of the children.  It is through your hard work and commitment that we are able to set up so many strong programs which benefit student learning and outcomes.    


We look forward to celebrating Education Week with you during the Open Morning and Open Night on 25th Tuesday 25th May.