Principal's Message 

From the Principal


Dear Parents and Carers,


After nine days back on site, my  recent long service leave seems a distant memory. We did have a wonderful time shared with family and good friends. If you are yet to explore or visit the west coast of Australia, I would highly recommend it.

My sincere thanks to Jo Cowan for so competently and professionally steeping in as Acting Principal for the first 4 weeks of term and to all our staff who supported Jo in this time.

Lockdown Update

The global pandemic continues to affect our daily lives and I am sure it will continue to do so for awhile yet. 

Today's announcement will affect our school in the following ways;

  • The large majority of staff will be working from home.
  • There will be a small number of staff on-site for the duration of the lockdown
  • Parents who are authorised workers and parents of vulnerable children may request to have their child/children supervised at school. Parents will need to contact the school office if your child is unable to be supervised at home.
  • There will be no home learning provided for children tomorrow (Friday). Home learning lessons and activities will commence on Monday 31st May and will continue through until Thursday 3rd June , unless the lockdown is extended.
  • Today we have sent home devices with the students in Years 1 to 6. If your child did not bring home a device or they were absent today and require one, they are welcome to collect a device from school tomorrow or Monday.

National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week is held each year from 27 May to 3 June. This year’s theme is More than a word. Reconciliation takes action. 



Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ shared histories, cultures and achievements. We can play an important role in unity and mutual respect by coming together and connecting with one another.

This year also marks 20 years since Reconciliation Australia was established and almost three decades of Australia’s formal reconciliation process.

COHR's Social Media Presence

In the last newsletter Jo highlighted our increased social media presence on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. I would continue to encourage all families to join these media platforms to keep up-to-date with news and learning that is taking place at our wonderful school. Our number of followers on Instagram continues to grow, with 162 followers. (@COHR3166)

I would like to acknowledge Jo Cowan, Emily Faella and Karen Wakeling who are the 'drivers' behind these platforms.

Car Parking

The drive-through; drop-off and pick-up continues to be a preferred option for many families. When using this option I would like to remind parents of the following;

  • Please avoid arriving too early, as this creates a build up of cars earlier than necessary
  • Please consider parking in a parking bay, walking in to collect your child and then proceed to exit the school grounds.
  • Please do not double park. Please use the parking bays should you wish to stop to collect your child/children.

As we move into this next lockdown let's continue to look out for one another, our neighbours and the elderly.


Please know that our teachers are more than willing to listen to your concerns and answer any queries you may have. They can be contacted via email.


Tomorrow we will be sending out another Flexischools communication outlining details of the home learning rollout.


Take care everyone


Brendan Welsford
