Message from the Principal

Karen Harris
This edition of the Brunswick Star fills with me great pride in student achievements.
In a term affected by a lockdown, it has not prevented some outstanding work both in and outside of the classroom. How wonderful it was that 125 Year 10 students were able to find a work placement - in a year where many workplaces were not back to full capacity onsite and having to reduce work experience placements. This is a real credit to the Year 10 students and their initiative and persistence. You will also read about students continuing with assessments and connections with the broader community throughout the lockdown period, again so impressive.
Congratulations to our Year 10 and 11 students who have approached their end of semester exams with great diligence. Our exam supervisors have passed on their compliments regarding the way students approached the exams. We employ casual relief teachers to supervise our Year 10 and 11 exams so that students experience the same consistency of supervision as they do when completing Year 12 exams. We believe this provides excellent training in the required conduct.
It is unfortunate that our plans to come together as a whole school with a celebratory assembly this term had to be altered. Whilst we were back at school after lockdown (and technically able to join together) the opportunity arose to keep the gym set up for Year 10 exams.
We will be prioritising sub-school or a whole-school assembly early next term as we reconnect safely as a school community. The tradition of conducting assemblies serves not only to provide the opportunity of coming together to celebrate, but also a chance to recalibrate in terms of expected behaviours - an important part of building a strong school culture.
I wish everyone a safe, restful and rejuvenating break.