Middle School Report

Middle School Team News

Welcome to all our Middle School families for 2023.


It is with great pleasure we welcome Ms Stephanie Swain as our new Year 9 Level Coordinator. We know that all Year 9 students will be well supported and be given the upmost guidance and care with Ms Swain as their leader.

Mr David Gayfer remains as Year 10 Coordinator. Ms Tammy Di Marco as Sub School Office Manager and myself, Nick Vass as Middle School Leader.


We are delighted to see most Year 9’s with a device and eagerly learning the benefits of having their own device in class. For those yet to bring a device to school, we ask if support is needed, to reach out so that we can help.


Excursions have begun to occupy our school week; we have had baseball / cricket and soon volleyball teams head out to represent the school. Our excursions have also seen students attend hiking and an Advance camp to help build and develop their social skills.


Last week ended with our annual “Fair Go Sport” Athletics day – promoting and actively supporting inclusivity for all. 

Students were encouraged to dress up in their house colours:


Darebin – Green

Merri – Blue

Plenty - Red


We look forward to another year of working in partnership with all our families.



Kind regards


Middle School Team 
Nick Vass – Middle School Leader
David Gayfer – Year 10 Coordinator
Stephanie Swain - Year 9 Coordinator 
Tammy Di Marco – Sub school Office Manager