Boarding House
If you're in Wimmera or Southeast SA be sure to
listen out to your local radio with Boarding Captains
Sarah Anderson and Henry Dennis recording our latest advertisements.
Boarding House
If you're in Wimmera or Southeast SA be sure to
listen out to your local radio with Boarding Captains
Sarah Anderson and Henry Dennis recording our latest advertisements.
The Boarding House has been a hive of activity. GAP student, Caycee Davis has been welcomed into our community and he is enjoying his time at both the Senior and Junior Schools. He is also playing soccer during the week locally and filled in for a local tennis team in Mirranatwa; Caycee reported the afternoon tea was beautiful!
Our Year 12 boarders enjoyed a relaxing evening at the Director of Boarding residence, where Head of Senior Years, Helen Reiher, and Acting Principal, Kristen Waldron also attended. The evening was designed to unwind for a while and to hear some sage advice moving forward with the Year 12 demands. We’re all very pleased with the positive start to the year, however, we still have a long road to travel with our Year 12 boarders and we continue to listen, advise, and guide them to achieve their best.
Last week, the weekend activity was a trip to the local speedway. And, although this may not be for everyone, those that did attend had a great time. This weekend we have the Dinner Dance on Saturday night, and then canvas painting on Sunday afternoon; a more relaxing activity than the speedway! The weekend doesn’t have to be the only time for boarders to be involved in activities though - the local lake has been getting a fair workout during the week after school, and the fishermen pretty excited to catch some reddies! Whilst the weather is good, it is a great time for boarders to relax and unwind at Lake Hamilton.
Last week we launched our Run Club, on Wednesday mornings at 6:30am. The Run Club has a ‘Your Choice, Your Challenge’ philosophy whereby each boarder chooses their distance and speed. With 17 boarders for our first run last week, I look forward to more joining in and testing their perseverance to stick with their personal goal. Speaking of running, last weekend the Port Fairy Running Festival was on. Year 12 boarder Tobe Adamson and Speirs House MOD Matt Hill both tackled the half marathon with great success. Well done!
Director of Boarding