Parents' and Friends'
Tuck shop volunteers NEEDED!
Our fabulous Tuck Shop Supervisor Sally needs your help! If you are able to volunteer to help Sally for a few short hours in the morning please click on this link and book in your date:
Any time you can offer is greatly appreciated between 10 and 2pm.
Everyone is welcome - Mums, Dads, Grandparents. Sally would be grateful for the assistance, and it would help to keep this vital service running. It is a friendly few hours and the students love having a chat and are grateful for the obvious effort placed in the menu for healthier options. However, you must have completed the Child Safe Training and have a current Working with Children Check.
Click here to complete the online Child Safe Training Module:
Thank you
Thank you to all who helped with the Senior and Junior School swimming sports BBQ last week. It was a hot day for the Junior School event and the addition of icy poles for sale was very well received! It was great to meet so many new parents who either assisted at the stall or came to say hello.
Second-hand uniform shop
Our second-hand uniform shop is available by appointment and parents are able to view clothing at the P&F shed. There are some great items in excellent condition. Please email us if you would like to see the uniforms available.
Fundraising for myPEC
Our fundraising for the myPEC outdoor garden/playground project is well underway and we hope to launch this project in the very near future as we meet with landscape architects and collate student surveys with a view to creating a space that will benefit so many of our children in the future. Stay tuned for exciting developments in this space!
Parents' and Friends' Association
Mandy Nagorcka (President)
Zoe Price (Vice)
Stacy Balkin (Treasurer)
Kate Pye (Interim Secretary)