Religion and Parish News



each day you give me new life, 

new graces, 

new opportunities to feel your presence. 

Give me the gift of attentiveness 

to notice you in the people 

and your creation which surround my life;

that I may grow in faith, 

and hope, 

and love. 



Combined Schools Ash Wednesday & Opening School Mass

Ash Wednesday, the first day of the Lenten Season, is Wednesday 22nd February (Week 5). To mark this special occasion in our church’s year, we will be hosting Mass at 9.15am for St Xavier’s and St Mary’s College staff and students in the St Xavier’s Hall. In previous years, we have had our Combined Opening School Mass earlier in the term to welcome in the new school year, but Fr Abmar is currently in the Philippines and will not be returning to our Parish for another week. 

Important Upcoming Liturgical Dates

On Tuesday Week 5, we recognise Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake Tuesday). This day marks the end of Ordinary Time before the season of Lent begins on the following day, Ash Wednesday.


Lent lasts 40 days and leads up to the Holy Triduum (the three days from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday). This liturgical season is symbolised by the colour purple and calls us to engage in fasting, almsgiving (donating to the poor) and prayer during this six-week period. St Xavier’s families will receive a Project Compassion Mission Box at the start of Lent in order to promote the almsgiving aspect of our Lenten promise.

2023 St Joseph’s Parish Sacramental Dates:

Confirmation - 9am, Sunday 4th June, 2023 at St Joseph’s Church

First Eucharist - 8:30am, Sunday 20th August, 2023 at St Joseph’s Church

First Reconciliation - 6pm, Tuesday 19th September, 2023 at St Joseph’s Church

Diocesan News

It was announced at midday (Rome time) on February 2nd that the Holy Father Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Michael Kennedy to be the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. This appointment follows the untimely death in November 2021 of Bishop Bill Wright who for ten years led the Diocese with great faith and humanity. 


Congratulations Bishop Kennedy, you are in our prayers and will be sorely missed from the Diocese of Armidale.

Parish News

To read about what’s happening in our parish, please visit this link to read the Parish Bulletin for the week starting Sunday 5th February.