Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers and to all of our new families, welcome to the new school year!


It has been a busy start and I must thank our cleaning and gardening staff for their work over the break. Good luck to Lima who moves to a new school as head cleaner shortly.

Thank you also to our teaching staff who came in on their holidays before the School Development days to set up their rooms and commence planning.


We welcome Mr Jack Swan and Ms Natasha Donica, along with Ms Esther Clark who have joined our staff.

Mrs John has been seconded to another school for 2023 and Mrs Johnson is on Long Service Leave. 


The school is running 11 classes for 2023 and utilising Room 14 for Literacy Support sessions and the teaching of Italian. Science lessons are now being undertaken in the Art room.


In the first four weeks staff will be undertaking testing and revision, writing plans as well as welcoming class parents to a class meeting. A curriculum guide will come out each term to explain what is going to be covered during the term in each class.

CONNECT is now used across the school in each class. It is a great tool to keep everyone up to date with what is happening.


Our term planner is coming home today. It outlines various activities happening in the school program.

All classes will look at Internet safety during week 2 as part of Internet Safety Day.

Our year six students will be preparing speeches before an election process during week three for Councillors and Faction Captains.

NAPLAN is being undertaken in term one for the first time. Mrs Tingle and Mrs Walker will be coordinating this from week 7.




A Swimming carnival for Years 4-6 has been scheduled and we are waiting on a day to celebrate the installation of our tile mural near the friendship bench.

Harmony week will be in week 8 with the school organising, a number, of activities.


Our P&C meeting will be held on Wednesday evening 22 February, 6:30pm for 7:00pm, with the AGM to be followed by a General Meeting. It will be held in the library. Please have a chat to others on the P&C if you are interested in an executive, committee, or parent representative position for this year.

An early event being organised is a movie night on the oval toward the end of term.


Our dog signage has been well received by the community. Thank you to our parent dog walkers who have been sharing the message.

We would also ask that dogs not be tied up at entrances to the school before/after school to assist with student safety.

To assist us return lost property, could families please check clothing and water bottles etc.. to see that they have been labelled or, if the names are still visible?


At the start of the day, we have supported families who leave for work early and drop of children to school.

All students arriving from 8:15am need to meet in the undercover area and remain there until 8:30am when there is supervision until the rooms are open at 8:45am. 


Our canteen is open on Wednesdays and Fridays. Thank you to Bev and her team as well as the canteen committee for providing such a wonderful summer menu.


Glenn Rondoni
