Callistemon House

Meet the Callistemon House Captains!
Hi everyone! We are Samrin and Mohammad. As most of you know, we are the Callistemon House Captains for 2023.
First of all, I am very happy with how we went at the Swimming Carnival, coming in third place. Hopefully next year we will earn the shield back! I am very excited and looking forward to School Athletics and hope that we will win the School Athletics shield, which we have been winning for the last two years.
As your House Captains, we'll do our absolute best to make you proud and also make you feel included and valued within the House and School. As the year goes on, we are planning to do a lot of fun and engaging activities and games, where you will get a chance to know our House Leadership Team better and also our teachers.
Lastly, soon we will be starting fundraising activities around the House, so please donate as much as you can for people in need. Remember, we are not only House Captains, but leaders of the school. So, if you're not a part of Callistemon, that isn't a reason for you to not reach out to us. We strive to provide for the students all around the school as much as our House.
We are looking forward to some engagement :)
Meet the Callistemon House Leadership Team!