Swimming Carnival

The 2023 Swimming Carnival was a huge success!
On a beautiful day, staff and students from Dandenong High School attended the Monash Aquatic and Recreation Centre in Glen Waverly for the big day. The competition was fierce from the start, with Darwinia, Callistemon, and Banksia leading the way. However, it was Hakea that rose to the challenge in the last few events of the day! Full of House spirit, Hakea managed to overtake Banksia to take the crown as 2023 Swimming Carnival Champions.
The atmosphere around the pool was electric as staff and students dressed in their House colours, cheering and supporting each other in their respective events. It was a great day for everyone involved and the school is looking forward to many more successful swimming carnivals in the future. Madina, one of our School Captains, said, “How amazing was this year’s swimming carnival!? The sun was shining and the atmosphere was beautiful! The Year 12s and I are incredibly sad that this was our last one, but we couldn’t have imagined a better turn out!”
The school is thrilled to have been able to attend this new venue after 4 years without a whole school swimming event. It was wonderful to see so many swimmers competing and pushing themselves to proudly represent their House. Congratulations to all those who competed and especially to Hakea for their fantastic performance!