Badges Assembly

School Captain Speeches
Madina M:
Good morning to our school’s Executive Leaders; Mrs. Ogden, Ms. Watmough and Mr. Dewar; to the House Leaders and our distinguished guests, staff, students, families, and friends joining us today.
We’d like to welcome you all to our first official ceremony of the year as well as congratulating all the students who were elected as leaders and representatives this year, as this is a very important aspect of our school.
I’m Madina M and this is Rachael B, and it is an immense privilege that we stand before you all today as your 2023 School Captains.
This new school year is a great opportunity for all of us to make new friends, fulfil new goals, become better versions of ourselves and overcome obstacles. Rachael and I are thrilled to be the people to support you on this journey of success and knowledge.
Dandenong High school is a very special and unique community, due to our diversity and acceptance of everyone. There are so many opportunities for every single student at this school, both in and out of the classroom. We are all curious learners and this school gives everyone a chance to grow and gain valuable knowledge. I feel so deeply proud to be a part of this school as I’m sure all of you are too.
Each of you, the students at our school, are also special due to the unity we feel amongst each other and how we uplift and support each other through challenges. I think that’s such a crucial trait for a school to have and I feel so incredibly proud and lucky to know that our school retains that.
As your School Captains for 2023, our goal is to make sure that everyone gets an opportunity to be heard, because our job is to listen to you. We will use every chance we can to connect with each of you and engage with all staff, leadership and everyone at this school to see what you believe we can do to make this school even better. We also encourage all of you to connect and engage with your teachers because they are more than teachers, they are advocates and support networks for us all.
To the year 7 students seated in front of me. Make the most of your junior years because I can promise you that high school will flash right before your eyes. You are today's juniors but tomorrow’s leaders.
I will now pass on to Rachael.
Rachael B:
Thank you Madina.
This year, we commit to making sure that we engage with everyone at this school and take positive action in order to create a sense of unity and connection to school.
We will also encourage each of you to connect with each other. To build friendships and establish new relationships. A great way to do this is to look into the opportunities available at this school - both academic and social.
We have the Study Club, the SafeSpace, the team library advisors, the media crew, the production and the band. Feel free to speak to us about this if any of you would like to know more. I strongly encourage each of you to make the most of your time at this school. This is a very special place and the more opportunities you can experience, the greater your memories of your time here will be.
Before I finish I would like to give a message to the junior students sitting before me. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. High school is a time to explore who you are in the safety of our beautiful and inspiring school. Try out as many things as possible. Find out who you are and have fun along the way - take advantage of those opportunities we’ve spoken about. Whatever you do at this school, remember to do it with pride and with respect and care for yourself and others. A little kindness always goes a long way.
And to the Senior students seated in the gymnasium today. I know that we’re going to hear a lot of different messages this year, but perhaps the most crucial of all is to find a balance between our studies and the social and emotional learning school provides. These last few years of your high school experience are important academically, but they’re also important socially. Spend time with your peers, find balance between study, friends and family. Continue to learn about yourself. It’s never too late to start pursuing your dream - no matter what it is or how many you have.
To all students gathered here this morning. As your School Captains for 2023, we want you all to feel heard, to be united and to take every opportunity at this school to pursue and achieve your dreams and goals. If you achieve these things you have achieved success.
Thank you.