From the Principal

As the end of Term 1 approaches, students and teachers have been involved in a flurry of assessment activity. This includes NAPLAN testing for students in Years 7 and 9, which ends this week. This is the first time the test has been held in Term 1, in order to provide data to schools and parents much sooner. This year, a record number of our students, over 96%, have completed the online process. I would like to congratulate all students who have behaved well in sessions and thank parents for their support in ensuring their children attended. A thank you also to the Darwinia House Leadership team for their organization, IT technicians who supported and teaching staff who supervised each test.
In the last two weeks of this term, we are also focusing on uniform expectations, with school leadership conducting a “blitz” for all year levels. Families will be contacted if their child is in incorrect uniform. Wearing our uniform well, both inside the grounds and to and from school, not only demonstrates pride in our community and pride in self, but also ensures students are positive ambassadors to the general public. Could I please ask all parents check their children are correctly attired when they leave home and that they have the items they need. If you have any questions regarding uniform or need additional support, could you please contact Student Services or your House Leadership team.
Our School Council meeting on Tuesday 21st March marked the “End of an Era”, when long serving member and Council President, Alan Collier AOM, retired after 26 years of service. His commitment to the school and strong leadership of the council has been unprecedented in our history. Long after his children graduated, he continued as a community member to ensure the completion of our building project that began in 2008. He announced his retirement after the opening of Stage 5, the Design Centre, by the Minister for Education in February. While he and his family have decided it is time for him to take a well deserved rest, he will be sorely missed. He left his final meeting to a standing ovation from staff and parents and will be honored at an official farewell in the final week of term.
Rhonda Garrard a current parent, has been elected as our New School Council President and will be introduced to the community in the next issue of this publication. I wish Alan well in his retirement. I am incredibly grateful for his contribution and support over the years and I am very much looking forward to working with Rhonda and the newly appointed 2023 Council.
Best Wishes to you all,
Susan Ogden