Around the school

Help requested - Canteen

Our canteen is in need of extra volunteers and we would love it if you could put your hand up for a morning, or even an hour or so.


Volunteer times are:

  • Monday 9.30 am – 11.30 am
  • Friday 9.30 am – 12 noon

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Canteen News

Drinks, slushies and icecreams will be available for over the counter sales on Fridays from this Friday onwards.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Tuesday 16 March and Wednesday 17 March from 3.30-7.00 pm. Although these are not compulsory, we encourage you to attend. Please make your booking via School Interviews using the code hcdmk.

P & F Welcome

Foundation BBQ for Families

Please RSVP via our school website.

Funeral for Mr Bob Longmire

Please be advised that a funeral for Bob Longmire, a longstanding member of the Golden Grove Lutheran Church will be held on Friday 12 February at Golden Grove Lutheran Church, commencing at 1.30 pm.


There may well be some impact on car parking for the afternoon pick up, so please be aware of this and plan to use kiss and drop if possible on that afternoon as parking may be quite limited. 

Youth Group

GGLC Youth and Junior Youth will commence the year this Friday 12 February with an Opening BBQ and Games Night, commencing at 6.00 pm and running through to 9.30 pm. 


Please contact Joel Schiller on 0411 084 071 if you would like to attend. 

Fruit Fly

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) has updated its information about fruit fly restrictions in South Australia.  This might change the types of fruit and vegetables your child can bring to school.


New colour-coded maps for Metropolitan Adelaide and Riverland residents show the red outbreak areas, yellow suspension areas, and green areas not affected by fruit fly. Our school is located in the yellow suspension area. 


If you live in the red outbreak area:

Your child must not bring any fresh fruit or vegetables on this list to school, preschool or child care. This applies even if it has been cut up.


Instead, PIRSA has provided a list of alternative fresh fruit and vegetable options suitable for lunch and breaks. 


If you live in the yellow suspension area

Your child can bring any type of fresh fruit or vegetable to school, preschool or child care. 


If you live in the green not impacted area

Your child can bring any type of fresh fruit or vegetable to school, preschool or child care. 

All fruit or vegetables on this list must be eaten and disposed of at our school, preschool or children’s centre. These items cannot return home at the end of the day and will be disposed of safely at our school/preschool/child care centre’s grounds.


Grated, dried, frozen, cooked or pureed fruit and vegetables of any kind are acceptable in any area. 


Disposal of Fruit

Classroom teachers will assist children to dispose of fruit during the school day.   We encourage you to ask your child if uneaten fruit has been discarded before you leave the school site.  


We appreciate your support as we help protect South Australia from fruit fly.

Children's University

We were delighted to welcome Gemma Sanger from Children’s University Adelaide to the school earlier this week to launch the Children’s University program.


CUA aims to encourage high quality out of school activities for children aged between 5 and 14 years, engaging the wider community as learning partners in this process.  The most important principles of CUA are that participation is voluntary and activities must take place outside the normal school day during lunch, after school, weekends and holidays. 


Led by the University of Adelaide, CUA aims to nurture aspirations and develop a love of learning. Children and young people enrolled in CUA are issued with a ‘Passport to Learning’ which records their individual learning journey.  After the first 30 hours of learning in a range of out of school activities, children are rewarded for their participation at a graduation ceremony held at the University of Adelaide or a prestigious venue in regional areas.  Children can graduate multiple times depending on the hours they accrue. Information on the hours, and award levels, can be found in the ‘Passport to Learning’ if children choose to sign up.


Whilst we will initially offer the program to Year 5 and 6 students, we will consider interest from younger grades, particularly siblings of our older students who are choosing to be part of the program. Year 5 and 6 teachers will hand out forms to students in class and we ask that forms are returned by Monday 22nd. We will then have a follow-up meeting with Gemma in the Worship Centre on Tuesday 23 February for students and parents who are participating this year. The annual fee for 2021 is $33.00 (inc. GST), or $16.50 (inc GST) for school cardholders, with all replacement passports incurring a fee of $5.50 (inc GST).


DaVinci Decathlon

A Golden Grove first – this year we will be able to put a team of eight students from across Year 5 and 6 in the DaVinci Decathlon which will be held in May at St Peters’ Girls College. So a good chance to think about who we could offer this to. (I could only enter one team, unfortunately).


The da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition (think enrichment and extension) designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of the students. Students compete in teams of eight across 10 disciplines: engineering, mathematics and chess, code breaking, art and poetry, science, English, ideation, creative producers, cartography and legacy. The Decathlon is designed to celebrate the academic gifts of Australian youth by providing a stimulating and challenging competition run in the spirit of an Olympic Decathlon.

2021 and 2022 Foundation Enrolments

During this term and early next term, I will be conducting enrolment interviews for new families who have applied to enrol for Foundation, either in our mid-year intake this year or for the 2022 school year. We provide priority entry to siblings if we have an application for them in our files. If you are a current Golden Grove family and have not yet completed an enrolment form for your younger child, or would like to check if you have returned your enrolment form please ask at the school office or check with Tanya Wilson as soon as possible. We have strong interest from a number of new families for both intakes and have begun holding interviews already.

Volunteer Training

Volunteer Training is required for parents and carers who would like to be involved in specific school activities like camps, excursions, learning assistance, coaching sporting teams, and any other similar type of activity which involves supervision of students.


Please refer to our volunteer's page on the school website about the process of obtaining a working with children check and valuing safe communities training as part of this process. 


A reminder to please book online for GGOSH by Friday of the week before you require care, either before or after school. This greatly assists us in planning for and organising our staffing of GGOSH each week. 


A reminder that our uniform transition phase has now finished at the start of this year, so please ensure that children are wearing the new sport shirt. 


Please also ensure that your children bring their hats for outdoor play each day. 


in terms of jewellery, that children should only be wearing: 

  1. watch of reasonable size and appearance;
  2. light chain with a small cross around their neck;
  3. maximum of one plain silver or gold stud or sleeper (small) in the lower lobe of each ear; and/or
  4. a 'Medi Alert' bracelet (if required).

The general expectation in regard to hairstyles and colour for both boys and girls is that they should be neatly styled and not extreme or designed to draw attention to the student. 


Unrestrained hair poses health and safety problems. 

  1. Hair should not be hanging over the face or eyes and needs to be secured such that it does not require constant flicking or handling.
  2. Hair shoulder length or longer needs to be tied up and back at the nape of the neck, for example, in a ponytail, braid or bun.
  3. Ribbons, clips and other plain style restraints are to be in the School colours of navy blue or maroon.

Hair colour should also not be changed so that it is noticeably different from natural colouring. 


Please consult our uniform handbook for additional information. 

Golden Grove Amateur Fishing (GGAF)

The GGAF Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held this Sunday, February 14th at 4.00 pm in the Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School Staff Room. 


The full 2021 program will be available and Memberships will be taken on the day.


Membership costs for 2021 are $20 for Seniors and $5 for Juniors (15 Years and Under).


Next Event: Sunday 28th February - Crabbing at Webb Beach 10.30 am 


We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.

Endeavour College Open Days 


Endeavour College have three Open Days coming up later this year for families who are interested in this excellent school for secondary education. As one of our Connected Schools Partners, Endeavour College can usually offer priority entry for GGLPS students. 


The three open days will be held on: 

  • Sunday 28 March from 1.30-4.00 pm
  • Thursday 17 June from 4.00-6.00 pm
  • Thursday 28 October from 9.00-11.00 am

You can register for the first Open Day if you are interested in attending.