From the Principal


Dear Parents and Carers,


One of the wonderful things that I've noticed about our lovely school is that there are so many ways that friendships between the older and younger children can flourish, and have observed this frequently as I've been in different places throughout the school. The older children reach out to the younger ones, taking an interest in them, praising them, and building them up. The beginning and end of the day, where all of the children are mingling, are particularly pleasing to be present for. I see teachers on yard duty going out of their way to engage with all of the children, especially those that they're not completely familiar with. 


Proverbs 17:17 reminds us that A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.


Observing this frequent and healthy interchange, that goes on between older children, adults and younger children, is such a joy. This is happening, day in, day out, over and over again - in the classroom, in the office, in the playground. It is a pulse of love and care that keeps beating through both the good times and times of some adversity. It is what happens in a loving community. 


What fertile ground we enjoy here at Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School for our children to grow strong and healthy lives – to be guided, loved and nurtured by gracious and supportive older ones. For our younger students to feel that they can receive attention and love; that they have dignity and individual worth; that they can feel respected and celebrated just for being themselves – what a wonderful foundation for healthy character, faith and educational formation. 


