From the Assistant Principals

Mrs Louise Reinke and Mrs Dale Cain

Phones and other Devices at School

We are aware that some children bring devices to school for various reasons. It may be that they have a long bus journey, or they walk and parents would like piece of mind in case something happens along the way. When children arrive at school, the expectation is that these devices are handed into the office. They can then be picked up at home time. 

The reasons for this is quite diverse. The school internet has firewalls that prevent some sites being accessed by students, phones and watches with their own internet do not. There is also the possibility that students may take photos, videos etc of themselves or others while in the possession of a phone, this is not appropriate at school. Lastly, online bullying may also occur via messaging or social media. 

Please support the school in ensuring that your child is aware of this expectation.