Classroom News - Year 2

Mrs Godwin and Mrs Spilsbury

We have been very busy learning in Year 2 over the past few weeks. Our outside space has become a whole lot brighter, thanks to our new mats. 

During our Physical Exercise classes, Year 2 have been working hard to improve our overarm and underarm throwing and catching.  

In our Maths lessons, we have been working on our friends to 20 including using them for addition and subtraction. Year 2 have also been working with number lines, doubling numbers and skip counting forwards and backwards by tens to improve our accuracy and speed with addition and subtraction. 


In English, Year 2 wrote about some amazing adventures that the snails and the whale experienced together. We read about snails ALMOST being eaten in France, the snail and the whale ALMOST being electrocuted by an octopus as well as seeing many beautiful sights around the world.


As we are learning that we have all been made in the image of God in our Religion lessons, Year 2 drew a self-portrait of themselves. 



Year 2 are learning how to be inclusive of everyone regardless of their differences in our Personal Development and Health classes. We have been role-playing and we watched a very interesting short film called 'Ian' which showed us the importance of inclusion of everyone. 


We look forward to meeting everyone for our Parent-Teacher interviews next week. If you haven't made a time yet, please make a time to discuss your child's progress.