Christmas Cards – a celebration
During November, students in their fortnightly Year 7 and 8 Library English lesson participated in a learning activity about language, hand-written messages of kindness and envelope address protocols. Students were encouraged to choose a loved family member that they may not have seen during the COVID lockdown and that may live in a different suburb, state, or country. Students utilised their handwriting skills, language, spelling and sentence development. They learnt about decision making, message composition and address and sender conventions for an envelope.
Over 90 students participated in this activity, and once the card message and envelope were completed with stamp, they were taken to the local business postal centre and the ecards were sent on their way.
The variety of postcodes and places was diverse from overseas, to interstate to local suburbs.
- 7 cards went to overseas destinations – England, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Philippines and Poland
- 4 cards went interstate to NSW – Arcadia, Figtree, Richmond, and Scandia
- 4 cards went to country Victoria – Healesville, Nanneella, Oxley, and Warragul
- 75 cards went to Melbourne suburbs from Flemington to Safety Beach with a large percentage in our local area.
I would like to thank the students for their enthusiasm, the support of parents and the encouragement of both their English and Homeroom teachers. Let’s hope their message of love and kindness cheer up their family after a year of isolation and uncertainty.
Wishing all students and their families every happiness for a well-deserved school holiday. May you catch up safely with both family and friends. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021.
Jane Viner
Library Leader