Message from the 

Head of Junior School

Mrs Denise Hayward

Dear Parents,


Welcome to a new and exciting year at Kinross Wolaroi School. I hope your family had an enjoyable and relaxing summer break. The ‘first days at school’ I love them! Fresh faces, new shoes, children standing taller than 12 months ago! We photograph these days because they are important. They mark the passing of time. This year I have a renewed appreciation of how important these ‘first days’ are as I begin at KWS. The first days of school become a treasured memory. It is a moment in a young person’s life that is never forgotten. Every child’s first day starts with putting on their uniform, and with it, feeling that sense of belonging to something bigger than themselves – a new community and their connection to it. It has been wonderful to see all the students and staff returning to school with smiles and a few butterflies. I would like to extend a special welcome to our new students and their families. Welcome to the KWS Community.


The year has begun in a lively and positive manner with staff returning to a range of meetings and planning that ensures a quality start for all students. Day One was especially exciting as the students arrived to greet their teachers. Over the last few days we have all had an opportunity to get back into the groove of school life and have the students start to think about their role in the learning process. Thank you for all for the wonderful support we have received in this early phase of the school year. We appreciate the time parents and other family members have given to help make the transition to school, be it for the first time or just after the holidays, a smooth and positive experience. It has been a delight to meet and speak with many parents via phone and at Kiss N Go. I have especially enjoyed the many chats with students who have asked me about my day, greeted me with a hug saying “it’s good to see you again” or how much they like my shoes! 


It was lovely to see the new Kindergarten students on their first full days at KWS. Starting school at KWS, even if they have been in our Pre-K for a year, is an important milestone for students and parents. For some parents this may be your first days back at school in a few years. For all of our parents, as the school year starts a few things to keep in mind:

  • Keep up the things you did with your child before school started, like bedtime reading.
  • Talk to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns about your child’s learning.
  • Arrive at school on time; it helps to provide a more settled start to the day.
  • Ask your child about their day and dig beyond the response “we didn’t do anything” as I can assure you they did so much more.

The first few weeks of any school year are an important opportunity to establish routines that will serve students well throughout the year. The children have made a great start in their first few days and handled the new routines with ease. I encourage parents and children to work together in these early weeks to ensure the establishment of good habits at school and home. It is important for students to be on time to school each day and with the correct equipment for the day’s lessons. 


The diary will be of great assistance in this regard and parents should be ensuring they sight and sign it each day. It is an important avenue of communication between home and school. The new student diaries should be arriving home in children’s bags on Friday. The fortnightly newsletter and the Parent Handbook (on-line) will also be a constant sources of valuable information and I would encourage parents to maintain familiarity with both. Questions will still arise from time to time. Please, in the first instance, contact your child’s class teacher via the diary who will be happy to help you with your enquiry or direct you to whomever can provide appropriate assistance.


Thank you to all our Kindergarten parents who have been encouraging their children’s independence in the morning by dropping them and allowing them to meet their new friends in the playground. It really is a delight to see how well our newest students have settled into school life! 


Whether you're ‘new’ to KWS or ‘old’, welcome to the School.